
Minggu, 25 Desember 2011

2 Hal indah yang terjadi di bulan ini

Aku gak akan bertele-tele, hal indah yang pertama yang terjadi pada hidupku di bulan ini adalah bahwa aku bisa mengikuti Turnamen Walikota Cup 2011. Walaupun aku kalah di babak pertama, namun aku rasa pertandinganku waktu itu cukup senilai harganya dengan kekalahanku. Bukannya aku merasa gak pede, tapi aku kalah dengan juara 1 Walikota Cup tahun lalu. Bisa dibilang aku jadi punya alasan kan? :D
Seharusnya aku tidak berpikir negatif dan pragmatis bahwa aku memang sepantasnya kalah. Aku sudah memberikan kemampuan terbaikku waktu itu, namun apa daya memang ia lebih jago dan hasilnya aku kalah dengan skor 5-11. Tapi temanku berkata itu sudah bagus, karena kamu jadi punya pengalaman bertanding dengan orang yang sudah hebat. Aku pikir waktu itu 'benar juga ya'.

Hal kedua adalah bahwa hari sabtu kemarin aku bertemu dengan komikus lokal Indonesia , Alex Irzaqi! Ia orangnya santai saja, dan tidak sombong. Walaupun ia sudah terkenal ia tetap terlihat sangat down to earth. Aku suka sekali dengan gayanya ini. Ia memberiku beberapa tips membuat komik. Oh ya, bagaimana aku bisa bertemu dan ngobrol-ngobrol dengannya?
Ceritanya begini, aku ngepost sesuatu di komikoo.com. Inilah linknya. Lalu admin-san membuat acara workshop komikoo, yang presentasi ialah Irzaqi-sensei. Bukan acara resminya komikoo sendiri sih tapi gak apa-apa. Aku pikir bakal ada banyak anak komikoo Bandung lainnya yang pada datang. Awalnya tujuannya buat ngumpul buat membicarakan waktu kapan bisa ngomik bersama. Tapi yang datang dari member komikoo cuman aku seorang. Yang bilang gitu mas Irzaqqi sendiri.
Setelah ia selesai presentasi cara membuat komik ia lantas duduk di samping ku! Aku senang haha. Terus kenalan dan ngobrol-ngobrol deh waktu itu.. Gitu aja sih. Terus katanya kalau aku mau main ke tempatnya (baca:kosannya) sok aja. Silakan aja katanya. Katanya juga banyak anak komikoo lain yang sudah sering main ke tempatnya kok.
Aku jadi bersemnagat nih! :D

Aku harap aku bisa segera menyusul dan menyaingi kehebatan para komikus-komikus itu wahahahaha!!!

Senin, 19 Desember 2011

Getting friends in the same interest

All the people in the world has at least one interest in living. They can have many, or even just one. even someone who don't have anymore interest to live still have an interest. What's it? It's to die. See?

Now, there are so many people having same interests in some aspects. And therefore it means that there are so many rivals to be defeated. In that atmosphere of rivalry, we need to have a strong will if we want to 'survive' realizing our dreams. One strategy to have a strong and consistent will and also to be persistent to realize our goal is to have friends who support us.

You may find them accidentally or naturally. But if you don't, then I think you must seek them. Find some people who have the same passion in what you are passionate about, and then you'll find a good and positive atmosphere so that you can grow.

Actually I am still in the process to find those friends. I'm still in the process to make my comic community. So, I hope that everything will go as I hope it will going to be. Amin.

Kamis, 15 Desember 2011

Harus lebih serius

Tadi siang sepulang kuliah gue mampir ke tempat temen. Ia nunjukin beberapa 'rampokan' file artwork komikus2 heat seperti Alex Ross dll. Yah...gimana ya? Hal seperti itu sih biasa aja bagi gue. Toh cuman ngeliat2 doang kan.

Tapi yang gue sadarin adalaha bahwa gue makin ketinggalan dari temen gue tersebut. Dia udah makin jago aja nggambar, makin banyak tahu dan lebih update. Lebih jago make' software desain, dan jelas lebih jago nge-desain. Kalo gue bandingin ama diri gue, gue kalah jauh cuy. Mungkin gue memang lebih ke arah seni murni karena gue rasa gue lebih suka painting daripada sketching. Tapi gue rasa gue ga bisa gini terus. Gue harus berani berkorban waktu2 gue yang berharga, waktu2 luang gue yang bisa gue hambur dengan nonton film, ngobrol, main, dan browsing ga jelas dengan menggabar sehingga karya2 gue bisa dibilang 'lumayan lah'. Yah, ga berarti juga kalo gue harus an-sos alias anti sosial. Tapi gue harus lebih serius apalagi menjelang umur kepala 2...hehehe

Rabu, 14 Desember 2011

R.I.P bang Sandi

kemarin tanggal 11 Desember 2011 adalah hari terakhir dalam hidupnya bang Sandi, kakak kelas ku di universitas sekaligus senior taekwondo ku. Kejadiannya sangat di luar perkiraan. Dengan mengingatnya, aku jadi merasa bahwa aku memiliki banyak salah padanya. Mulai dari berpikir jelek tentang nya, dan lain-lain. Tapi aku menyesal. Padahal kami seperti baru saja baikan dan kembali seperti waktu dulu, tapi di hari itu kami harus berpisah.

Seharusnya aku tidak melepas tangannya dan menyelamatkan diri sendiri. Walaupun aku melihat bahwa sepertinya ia sudah tidak menyadarkan dirinya waktu itu, tapi paling tidak aku seharusnya bisa mendorongnya keluar dari pusaran. Tapi, aku terlalu takut waktu itu untuk mengorbankan nyawaku - dan mencari aman. singkat cerita ia tidak kelihatan lagi. Ya. ia meninggal karena tenggelam.

Aku menyesal. Tapi aku akan mencoba untuk membalas semua kebaikannya dengan malakukan yang terbaik dalam setiap hal yang bisa kulakukan. Untuk bang Sandi.

Bang, jika kau bisa melihatku...aku ingin kau melihatku berhasil. Dan keberhasilanku kupersembahkan untukmu.

Aku sudah tak ingin kehilangan seseorang lagi di depan mataku sendiri...

A little poet / lyric for you my brother:

I had never wanted even just for once
That I would just see somebody dies right in front of my eyes
It was a catastrophe and purely accidental
Nobody in my team was a sociopath or was sick in their mental
But I was the foolish one and I must admit it
If you'd been there you could've seen it
He was so rigid and his lips were so blue
I hold him with my right hand but I released him so it means that I'm the fool
The stream was so powerful, we could had died together
But then I had a thought that I didn't want to die
That's the reason why I realeased your arm
But I never thought that you could be so harmed
And would never feel anymore warmth
I could had saved you
But I wasn't brave enough to do so.
I shouldn't think that you'd be okay
I should had tried harder and save us both
But i didn't
Now I promise to never let it happen again
Watch me raise brother
And it's just for you

Senin, 21 November 2011

College just wasting time for artists and designers

I think college just waste time and money at least for design and art students. Don't you agree? Think, you spend so much money (at least in Indonesia) just for gaining a title. Okay, you can say that it is worthed cause you get so much information and lessons and tricks. But, in the end, what is important to artists and designers is skill. You may become so good at art even without taking school about art. All you need is practice and if you're stucked, you can read books about design, surfing on the internet, and so on. You can do it without taking formal school. So, I think I've wasted much of parents' money till today. And worse, if I don't have any better skill in art than people who never took any formal design school, then I think I should kill myself. Cause you know, it will be just so stupid. Wasting time, money, energy, for nothing?
I admit that I have got so many experiences here, but I guess it's enough. I have got enough experiences about life, and many more here. I think it's time for me now to focus on my only goal, my dream. And because of that, I just hope that I can graduate as soon as possible from my campus...

Sabtu, 12 November 2011


Setiap malam seperti bintang jatuh, aurora di langit membuat mataku patuh
Tuk memandang dengan tiada henti, hingga ia menghilang pergi dan menepi
Dunia terasa bagaikan sepi, sepi hilang, lalu kembali
Sama seperti pasang surut nya air laut, di dua belahan dunia yang berbeda kita terpaut
Kau seperti tersesat dan diberi 3 alternatif jalan berbeda
Yang manakah yang akan kau pilih tuk kau lewati?
Jika berjalan kaki itu lambat, maka kau bisa bersepeda,
Tapi ingat jangan buru-buru, pilihlah jalanmu dengan hati
Biarlah ia menunggumu dan menanti
Jika itu memang takdirmu sebelum mati
Maka ia pasti akan kau dekati
Tak seperti pohon kaktus, diriku begitu rakus
Walau begitu ku tahu, ku hanya bisa memilih satu
Satu dari seribu, yang akan kupanggil ratu
Hanyalah satu, yaitu kamu

Selasa, 08 November 2011

Fear is one what controls us

Let's talk about fear. What is fear? Fear is a synonym of anxiety. It means feeling that you don't like and you don't feel safe with. So, why did I say that fear is one what controls us? I can say that most people usually avoid pain. I think people and myself just don't like the pain that we ever felt before. And because of that we try to avoid them because we are afraid to feel the same pain again.
Unless, we have overcome our fear and don't feel afraid about them anymore. I ever been told that fear is in our memory. So, there is something that is called as brainwashing bad memories and switch them with good memories. So that when a situation comes near to our old pain, we won't remember the pain anymore but rather the switched memories, the good memories. So we won't be afraid of the certain situations we fear anymore.
Anyways, let's get back to the topic. Everyone must have some certain kinds of fear. Whether it's a phobia or just a fear about something trivial. For example, I give you two types of people in school lifes. One who is usually called a loser and the other one who is a member of a group of bully people, but he's not the leader, well actually he can, it doesn't matter.
The loser type is usually afraid of being harmed and bullied so he continuously let himself being commanded by those bullies to do things, anything! He serve himself to the bullies cause he is afraid.
Now, the one who is a bully type, although he looks like he's the one who rule the school, but actually I find that he will be afraid if he lost his respect from others. So in order not to lose that, he simultaniously bullies other kids. That's simple. Another example is a boss and his employee.
The boss can act nice, or act decisive, maybe a little bit hard to his employee in order to make his employee keeping his work well. Or it can also because he is afraid that if he is not decisive his employee won't respect him, or quite the opposite, he is afraid of losing his talented employee and treat him really nice then. The employee can work really well, because he is afraid of being fired by his boss if he didn't do that, and so on.
There are so many reasons why people behave like this or like that. Another example is about culture. In Indonesia, younger people must give respect to older people by the way they talk, act, and even stare in the elders's eyes. Everything have their own ethics. And you obey those unwritten rules just because you are afraid to be called as a scallywag and it can cause you to be hated by some people who don't like your 'breaking the rules' behaviours. So, because of that you act politely to older people. But it's just an example. Not everyone could possibly think the same way like I said. There are people who really realize that politeness is a big deal because they don't want if they have become old then they are not treated politely too by their next generations. THEY ARE AFRAID of that. It sounds really egoistic but it's a fact that everybody always think about their own goodness. Every action is for their own safety. Maybe parents are a different the fears are "I don't want my kids can't eat nothing tonight", and so on. And that motive is what keep them work everyday. The same way with buddies, families and so on. But one more time, we make friends to make US not alone. Back to the theory that we do all for our own goodness :)
Okay, now let's assume that one doesn't have any fear of nobody and anything. And he just don't care with anyone's opinion. Okay, in that case, my theory above doesn't seem to be relevant to the "everyone" part. But at least, I think some people are. Because I wrote it in the experiences of myself. So it can be considered as a fact doesn't it? :)
One last example is a little bit deep. It's about religion. People have different beliefs. But I realize that every religion always keeps some scary stories and prophecies to make their believers keep their actions in the law of their religion. For example in Islam it is said that you will be sent to hell in the afterlife if your good deeds are less than your bad deeds when you were living in the world. In Buddha there's something that is called as Karma. It's like, if you made some bad deeds now, you have to be prepared to feel the bad deeds you did before. So, because of that you have to do good deeds in order to get good deeds too as your change. But it's different in the opinions of the communist. They don't believe in such freaking prophecy. They live now and then they'll die and *poof* the life's over and you'll turn into soil. That's it. So, why do they have to obey the religion laws? But this is in a religion point of view.
All I want to say is that people have some motives that make them act or behave in some ways, and one of those motives is fear.
I was raised by some people who are a little bit pessimistic and I think it makes me having some negative thoughts about certain things, like if I dont' do this then i'll get that, or if I do that then i'll be treated like this, quite like that. I know I can't keep those thoughts inside of my brain forever. So, to whoever who is in the same situation as I am, I just want to say "don't be afraid to do whatever you want, respect yourself by doing what you want to do, and dont' let any fear controls how you should behave".

Selasa, 25 Oktober 2011

Sebuah lagu

Di tengah malam yang hening
Ku mengerutkan kening di depan laptop ini
Menulis lirik dengan irama hiphop ini
Bukan kritik yang ingin kutulis, namun curahan hati
Melow bukan style ku tapi, malam ini kan kutumpahkan kegalauanku agar ia mudahan mati
Waktu itu aku sedang omegle-an, di depan laptop seperti biasa di tengah malam
Tak sengaja bertemu dengan mu ,ber-chatting, membahas rambut, membahas politik bahkan sampai temenan
Di FB lalu berlanjut, kau curhat padaku yang bukan siapa-siapa sampe kau semamput
Tapi akhirnya cerita cintamu tak berjalan mulus
Walau kau tulus, tapi itu membuat mu terlihat seperti seorang anak yang habis tahu kalau ia tak lulus
Sedih, ku hibur kau, tapi dalam tidur ku bilang ku juga mau libur
Tak terasa waktu berjalan dengan begitu cepatnya
Dan aku tak menyangka bahwa walau ku tak pernah melihat mu secara langsung
Darahku mengalir lebih deras setiap chatting berlangsung
Mungkin ku harus beli hape SAMSUNG untuk mengalihkan ingatanku tentang mu
Sampai ia terhapus oleh rentang waktu
Sampai ia mampus di tendang rapuh
Sehingga tak ada kata 'idola' di otak ini
Dan ku bisa melangkah bebas di luar kotak ini
Kukunyah kau, ku ludahkan kau keluar

Sabtu, 22 Oktober 2011

Taekwondo IMT

Last Wednesday, I was chosen to be the next leader of my lovely UKM. Well, actually I need that formality to if I wanted to take control of the system of the organization. Alhamdulillah I finally got it. But I can not be relaxed after I got this position. I have to think about the organizstion all the time now. I have to make sure that everyone get taekwondo lesson well and that the Sabeums will get paid enough for the trainings they give. I also have to make a condition where the members feel free and relaxed but while we are training we get serious. I've to make sure that they will love our lovely UKM. I have to show more affection and attention. I think that's the biggest part of being a leader. A leader have to know and feel every member's condition rather than just ordering some orders.
I want to make everyone get close to each other. Well, it will happen by the time, insya Allah. After all, I just arrived back home after I practice today. We were practicing in the middle of the lake in campus. There is a bridge where we can relax and doing things there, it is a big space. We were there since the afternoon until twilight. It is a refreshing place for doing practice and we should do outdoor practices more often I guess. Maybe every Sunday :)
After all, I hope that everything will be alright. May Allah guide my actions and also my heart.
And not only for this, but in my everyday life.

Selasa, 04 Oktober 2011

Ambition that has to be controlled

Ambition is one of so many things that motivate us. Something that keep us spirited at what we are doing and keep us having intentions in living. But, from ambition can be born a catastrophe, if the ambition doesn't become reality or in other words, if the ambition become failed, the one who have the ambition could get depressed, having bad temper, having an arrogancy, or even worse...going crazy.
So, it is important to have a balancer. And I think it's God. Yeah, religion make us think not only about now and later (in a short context) but also for 'later' (the afterlife). What will we be if we died? We gon' be nothing, not worthy, even being burried in a graveyard. So I just want to say that besides being so spirited of our achievements, we also have to control our ambitions, and if they don't go as well as we want them to be we just have to let them go. Let them be what they have to be. It's called what destiny is. And that is one thing that we must accept. But I didn't say that we have to give in, we just don't have to push ourselves too much, that's all.

A relief

I am happy of hearing something from my friends's mouth. I finally heard them saying that they want to be someone in the future, and that they have some plans for their own future. Eventhough I haven't seen them making a profitable project or a training that was relevant to something that they desire, their spirit for achieving their dreams are still something that make me relieved. Why? Because for the past year, I have tried at least few times to make them conscious about how old we are now and how close we are until we gon' have a family and we gotta have to work. Before then, I want us to have great skills in our land, designing. But they kept playing and playing and wasting times so much. Eventhough they have been making a band and I can say that the band is successful I am still not sure that they could make make money from that band. Well, some of them have already been a famous singer and band before, but I don't think that the band that they just made would get any more popular and successful, neither can make profits if they don't take it really serious.
But it doesn't matter now, cause just by hearing them having some plans for their future just have made me so happy. And now I want to concentrate more on my projects, my comics :). I hope that my dream could be a reality too :) Amin

Jumat, 30 September 2011

A new University in Dayeuh Kolot

This afternoon I attended a meeting with the Rector of my Institute with BEM, DPM, and also few UKM people. I was waiting long, maybe about 40 minutes. I thought about the culture of 'jam ngaret' in Indonesia (always being late) and got pissed off. I had a class at the same time you know. And I didn't attend it just because I got to attend that meeting. Which in the end just gave me some information about the vision and mission of the new University we will have and build. So, it makes me have two absences now. Two more and I won't be able to follow the final and mid test. I have to be more careful now.
So, the University that i am talking about is Telkom University. Or abbreviated into Untel. Yeah I know how it sounds ;) and it is planned to be inaugurated in 2012. The problem is that the ITT college students don't support it. It makes sense because if we will come together as a Univeristy their accreditation will be gone and we all have to start to build our accreditation again. The fresh graduate will get the impact. It's not cool you know. But the Rector said that the University plan is to make a bigger power for us. He also said that the college students are the one who is important for the University's growth. We have to be pro-active and gain more achievements. Tomorrow morning will be held a big meeting between each Institute. After all, the University plan is just a plan and it won't be implemented if the college students disagree. I don't know...

Minggu, 25 September 2011

The Power of Mind

Yup, the title is a little bit too exaggerating i think :) but it's okay. What I mean as the power of mind is not like I  or you could move a rock with your mind or such. But it's about belief and way of thinking. You could be anything you set your mind to. Just as Eminem ever said. The first time I heard his quote, I thought it was kind of impossible but not really impossible because he has proven it with being a famous rapper. I thought if I could be anything I wanted to be just by imagining it, then I must've become anything I ever want. But it didn't happen. Why? Because there's a hard-working which has to accompany the "set my mind" thing. Eminem said it himself after he said his quote.
"You could be anything you set your mind to". That quote should be really remembered. And also this quote: "you are what you think". So what if I think that I'm the most clever person in my class? Will I really become like that? I don't think so. You know, clever, nice, helpful, gentle, scary, and many other characteristics are just a symbol of word, a symbol of our average attitude. I think there is no thing such as nature. The only thing that's real is the way of thinking.
I realized it just this afternoon. I walked my way back to Bandung from Sukabumi by bus. The driver was a soldier. He talked loudly, acted rough, and was decisive I can tell. I thought, "oh, it's maybe because he joined the army since he was a teenager so his mind was trained to think like that or like he was trained to have such attitude". And then I came to an idea that our mind are built by our environment and by ourselves. I thought he might admire someone, for example his uncle that was a great soldier. Then he became to want to be like his uncle because his mind said that being a soldier is cool and then he wanted to be like that too. He wanted to act and to behave like a soldier. Which have some characteristics such as decisive, strong, and having a never 'give-up' mind set.
Which made me come to think about the typical of a businessman or a motivator. Their typical are hard working, clever, smart for looking oppurtunities, positive thinking, not giving up easily, and so on. Then I thought about the typicals of artists and designers which are creative thinker, innovative, smart at art, likes freedom, and so on.
All of them are typical or in other words stereotypical to me. I had an idea that they who work in some field must have a same way of thinking. But after I thought about it again and thought about it more I realized that not every person have the same way of thinking. There are some entrepreneurs who are not successful, or some employees who are not cool in their work but some of them are really good at it and they gain advancement faster than others.
Then I thought again what differ them one to another. Althought usually people try to work at places they love to, but there are still successful and not successful people in every field of work.
And then I came to the conclusion that what differ them is their way of thinking. Some employee might be depressed by heavy works while some might think some ways to reduce their stress or even try some ways to lighten their work. It's all about choice. You could choose you can not do something while you could also choose you can. Well, if you choose you can, you may be not 100% succeed. But at least it makes you have some spirit to succeed so you have some chance to succeed.
For example, if I want to be a clever person, I don't have to think "yes, indeed I am a clever person", but I rather have to think "how can I make this happen, or what should I do?" and so on. Another example is if I want to be a gentlement to women I don't have to think "I am a gentlement", but I rather have to think "I have to think 'ladies first', I have to be gentle when I talk to them, I have to look into their eyes when I talk to them, I must not hurt them, I may not think dirty things about them" and so on. So, a characteristic, such as successful for example is just a symbol of self recognition. It is abstract and not real. What real are the actions. For example I can imagine that I am a great painter, but in fact I can not paint at all. So, to be a real great painter I have to try to paint and try to make great paintings.
Finally, other people are the one who are trusworthy to judge who we really are in the end.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

08/09/2011 (part II)

Today was just like everyday. An obvious day with the same routine. Pretty boring but it's how life is. I came to campus very early, at 07.00 am !! And......the lecturer was not present. What the heck. But for the exchange we (I and my friends) got another subject at 09.30 am. We really wanted to go home, but the lecturer said we have to study. Plus, the free-day-Friday doesn't seem to be a free day anymore. The free college day change to Wednesday. Whatever...
So, after we finished studying at 11.30 am, we went to my friends' house. Actually they rent it. So, we played a few games there, such as DOTA and Left4Dead. I brought my book, 'MENGENAL TOKOH WAYANG MAHABARATHA' cause I don't want to waste any of my time. I still have goals that I want to achieve. Then, I started to think that I really have great friends since I was kid. All of them were and still are nice to me. In fact, I should be really thankful to Allah for this gift. Accidentally, I am having a problem about the making of a story for the manga competition. So I thought that the theme about friendship could really be something good. And I am thinking that I could use a little bit of my past experiences. I want to put psychological things in the story. I hope I will make it in time.

Rabu, 07 September 2011


Yesterday, specifically in Maghrib time I prayed to Allah. I prayed, "Yaa Allah, I swear to Your name that I will do anything and I will always try eventhough I learn slowly and eventhough I will face errors. But promise me, that You will really grant me my wish to become a comic artist. Ameen..."
That was a huge point in my life. And now, I am studying some mahabaratha book that I bought to understand about 'pewayangan'. Cause I want to submit my upcoming art for shirt about wayang and plus I am studying it probably for my story for the manga competition :) . After I think again, I don't want to put God in a story. It's not polite and maybe causing some dangerous fate later :P.
Before I end this post, I wanna say one last quote from myself:
"I will still struggle to achieve my goal(s) eventhough I don't have any fucking person who support me!"
Yeah, I don't need a support. I am gonna lead myself to be what I want to be. And i want to be a nice person. Plus I have plenty of dreams that I am trying to make a reality. I am not joking. I speak REAL TALK and I do REAL WALK.


07/09/2011 (part II)

Today's fuck as hell. Not because I got bullied or something bad and such. But rather because I just got a mental mentoring in "kuliah umum" this noon. Why??? Because I think I've burried my ideas about success and being famous and such for a long time. But now, just now when I didn't want those things anymore, I must hear a speech or preach from a preacher about how to be a successful person. The thing is, I have walked that way to be success for at least a half year, while I was being hated by people. That is also a pain in the ass. I don't know why but for me, thinking or maybe dreaming to be a successful and famous person lead me to be an arrogant person. I become to see people as tiny stupid people that live just for eat and sleep. But unfortunately it was all just my imagination. Because the fact is, me myself is nothing compared to anyone! So that means that I am just as fuck as them in my imagination. And so the karma went to me. I was hated I think. And I don't think that I am really close to my classmates. Well, a few of them are. But I am still a little bit awkward to a few of the rest. It makes me feel weak. Because of that I think that the safest way is to keep myself to be a modest person.

And the fact is, the more I surpress the emotion or desire to be successful and famous, the more I have no confident and become inferior. I don't know what I should do. If I become a big mouth person, maybe my friends will hate me again. But in other hand I really want them to be successful people one day. I want to make a good atmosphere to compete each other for the sake of goodness. But I guess my intentions were misunderstood. I have told them literally what I want them to do, but I guess they just don't want to follow my suggestions. It's really a pain in the ass because all I have been through was so perfect. My high school friends accepted my thoughts back then. I admit that one of my friend was really influential to the others minds. Maybe it was me that was being "controlled" by him to do what he wanted, and it was being a clown. I never mind that cause it was my dream back then to entertain people. But for that I have to pay something. And it is to spent away my precious time for three years for not train to be a leader. Now I can feel the result. I can't influent people like how I want them to be. So, if there is no benefit for them, they will not obey my instructions. So that means that I have to struggle by myself.

I keep asking myself what the real thing I want is. But there are so many things in my mind when I tried to answer it. They are to become a comic artist, to be a rapper, to be a businessman, to be a famous guy with smart ideas and cool perfomance. When I realized those dreams, I started to ask myself "what the hell is wrong with me?!" And now I am so confused if I have to struggle for those hard things to achieved or just let them go and fly away like a butterfly in front of my face.

And I don't really have many networks. I tried to built it. I followed many schedules and a few committees. I have been a bit responsible for the taewkwondo club for this last year. But they are just not enough and I know it.

I must keep move on, man. Though I dont have ANY FUCKING PERSON WHO SUPPORT ME I will not go down. Fot my only goal,


Selasa, 06 September 2011


Hai, kemarin malam gua ngecek-ngecek dan ngebongkar dikit barang-barang gue. Emang ada yang pengen gue cari sih. Yaitu, ........ UANG TAEKWONDO KAMPUS!!! Ilang boy.... bingung gue.. tapi semalem gue tetap tenang.. Gue berharap ada sama Mas Lanang, karena kemarin-kemarin dia ada nanyain apa gue kehilangan duit atau ga.. Gue jawab aja ngga. Gue kan baru tau kalau gue kehilangan tadi malam. Semoga duitnya ada sama dia.

Indonesia-Bahrain World Cup 2014 Qualification

Kecewa saya dengan pertandingan Indonesia-Bahrain tadi. Bukan karena kalah, tapi lebih tepatnya pada penontonnya. Kampungan banget dah. Gitu tuh kalo kurang pendidikan. Ujung-ujung nya emang iya, gue emang nyalahin pemerintah. Pemerintah ga bisa bikin sekolah yang becus. Mental dan moril nya sama aja kayak orang Malaysia. Sama-sama suka bikin anarki di lapangan hijau.
Orang Bahrain tadi, ga tau mungkin itu manajernya atau apanya, tegas banget ngambil sikap. Bagus itu menurut gue. Abis, kalau ga gitu kan pemainnya bisa cedera kalau kena petasan yang dilemparkan penonton ke lapangan. Mereka itu supporter atau supporter sekaligus ngerangkap jadi orang-orang anarkis? Buat apa ngelempar petasan ke lapangan...
Kekecewaan gue yang kedua adalah buat pemain-pemain kita tadi. Gue kecewa karena mereka seperti bermain dengan kurang berstrategi. Gue ngeliat pelatih timnas kita sudah teriak sesuatu ke mereka. Mungkin ngasih arahan. Tapi kayaknya pemainnya ga mampu untuk ngikutin itu instruksi. Boaz juga terkadang egois. Lalu Ridwan mengecewakan. Sewaktu diberi kesempatan untuk membawa bola, dia malah payah. Dan masalah ibarat kartu domino, lanjut ke situasi dimana sepertinya pemain-pemain lainnya menjadi malas untuk mengoper bola kepadanya walaupun dia sedang kosong. Payah. Profesionalitasnya kurang. Mereka seperti tidak percaya pada teman se-tim sendiri. Seharusnya tidak boleh begitu.
Ya sudah lah, mau diapain lagi... Tinggal berharap dan berusaha agar di pertandingan-pertandingan berikutnya bisa menang. Amin...


Well, hari ini adalah hari kedua gua kuliah lagi (semester 5). Semester ini gua harap nilai gua ningkat lagi. Alhamdulillah setelah gua SP akhirnya IPK gua 3.1 . Gua sudah pindah ke griya, dan gua harap kepindahan ini bisa meningkatkan semangat belajar gua. Selain itu gua harap gua bisa ngelakuin banyak hal dan banyak pengalaman. Dalam artian gua lebih banyak action nya pada tahun ini daripada omdo..
Ngomong-ngomong soal action, gua lagi pengen ngikutin lomba desain kaos bertema wayang nih. donlot formulir & Lomba nya <--- disini :). Intinya yaitu kita mengembangkan kesadaran dan kecintaan pada wayang untuk audience mulai dari umur 18-40 tahun.

Wayang kan budaya yang unik dan endemik. Hanya ada di Indonesia dan India. Tapi wayang sudah sangat mendarah daging. Gua ingat dulu om gua pernah cerita bahwa waktu beliau masih kecil dulu beliau sering nonton acara pertunjukan wayang. Kalau zaman sekarang hal seperti itu sudah jarang ada. Jujur gua dulu juga sempat berfikit kalau wayang dan ceritanya itu membosankaaan sekali. Tapi, ternyata tidak begitu. Gua mikir kalau aja Indonesia bisa bikin film kayak transformer tapi dengan tema wayang. COntoh seperti Jepang, mereka tetap tradisionil tapi mengikuti zaman juga. Jadi hal-hal tradisional tersebut ga membosankan.

Dan sekarang gua mau ngebikin desain dulu, soalnya batas waktu pengiriman adalah 30 September. lagian gua juga ada lomba komik yang mau gua ikutin, biarpun batas terakhirnya akhir Oktober. Okaaay semangkaaa

Selasa, 30 Agustus 2011

Be yourself

Karakter setiap individu tentunya berbeda satu sama lain, bahkan pada bayi kembar pun tidak sama. Perbedaan karakter itulah yang membuat seseorang disukai atau dibenci. Entah karena kebaikan hatinya, sikapnya, atau kemampuan dan kecerdasannya. Untukku, aku merasa memiliki beberapa kekurangan, antara lainnya adalah: pola pikir yang agak ga normal, dan cara berbicara yang kurang jelas. Bagiku agak susah untuk mengutarakan sesuatu dengan jelas. Dari segi pengucapan dan volume suara sampai kata-kata yang kusaring. Cara berpikir yang agak aneh juga membuat pernyataan-pernyataan yang kukeluarkan sering ditolak oleh orang-orang, walhasil aku jadi sering lebih teliti lagi menyaring apa yang harus kuucap dan apa yang tidak. Karena kalau tidak, orang akan memandangku rendah. Kadang aku melontarkan suatu pernyataan dimana orang lain ga bisa mengerti arti atau maksdu dari ucapanku itu apa.
Dua tahun kira-kira aku telah berusaha untuk mengubah pola pikir ku. Menjadi agak normal dan lebih jelas di telinga orang lain. Tapi, sepertinya hanya membuahkan sangat sedikit hasil. Akhirnya aku menyerah. Mungkin aku memang ditakdirkan untuk memiliki pola pikir yang ga normal. Sehingga aku memang tidak bisa berkomunikasi selancar orang lain.
Selain itu aku juga ingin memasukkan kategori selera humor. Orang bilang aku punya selera humor yagn jelek alias kalau melawak ga lucu. Sudah bertahun-tahun berusaha, namun tidak pernah berhasil. Sekarang, aku menyerah saja. Karena aku tahu aku takkan bisa mengubah apa yang telah tertanam dalam DNA ku.
Tapi, di balik kesulitan selalu ada kemudahan. Maka dari itu, aku akan mengerahkan semua tenaga dan upaya ku untuk menjadi seorang profesional di suatu bidang. Ya, setahuku orang yang jenius di suatu bidang teknik bisa berhasil walaupun ia tidak memiliki IQ yang tinggi. Bahkan orang yang cacat fisik saja masih bisa melakukannya. Asalkan bukanlah hal yang berkaitan dengan mental. Dan fokusku adalah menggambar dan membuat cerita. Kedua hal tersebut bahkan bisa dipelajari dengan melihat, bukan hal yang abstrak seperti melucu. Kurasa esensi bakat di dalam menggambar dan mengarang cerita lebih sedikit dibanding melucu. Untuk pola pikir, tidak usah dipikirkan, bersabarlah.. Tuhan akan memberikan yang terbaik bagimu dan Ia menyimpan sebuah rahasia dibalik kekuranganmu dan ketidaknormalanmu. Mungkin kamu bukan jenius tapi malah idiot. Tapi tidak apa-apa, selama kamu masih memiliki berbagai hal lainnya untuk disyukuri, hal sekecil itu tak usah dipikirkan.
Just be yourself

Minggu, 28 Agustus 2011


I just read my post long ago that I posted in February, the title was "Why always so hard". I realize how much I loathed back then. I just had stress so many times before and I didn't know what to do. But at the end, after I prayed to God toward that post I had realized that I should have shut up more and act more.
Now that my drawing is better, I wanna thank God..Alhamdulillah. And that means that I can already start my amateur comic career. That's good. I struggled before to be able to draw humans. The things have gotten better for now I guess. And what I should do next is to make my plan become reality. I must do what I need to do and I must do what I have shouted here in this post. And I may not look back and loathe again, nomore...
A pop singer, named Akon once said that the only difference between Dreams and Success is that Dreams needs effortless sleep, but Success needs sleepless effort. That was a great word. There's always an anxiety and we can always be afraid of something but the thing is, how do we react to that fear. Do we brace up or we just back off...it's your own choice.

Papua Barat

Hai, malam ini aku ingin berbicara tentang NKRI dan Provinsi tercinta kita, Papua. Papua itu terletak sangat jauh dari Jakarta, ibu kota tercinta kita..yang mungkin menjadi alasan mengapa daerah tersebut sangat kurang perhatian. Atau mungkin juga karena masalah rasisme. Seperti yang kau tahu wilayah Sumbawa, kepulauan Maluku, dan Papua itu kebanyakan didiami oleh orang-orang berkulit hitam. Aku bukan ingin menjadi rasis, tapi hal ini bisa menjadi pertimbangan, karena seperti pulau Sulawesi itu masih bagus pembangunannya. Dan yang ada di kepalaku, "kenapa hanya sampai di Sulawesi?" Oke, aku tidak tahu bagaimana persisnya di kepulauan Maluku itu, karena aku juga belum pernah kesana. Oke, semua tadi hanya intermezzo saja, mari kita ke topik bahasan utama...

Pertama-tama, aku ingin menunjukkan pada para pembaca sebuah video. Video ini dibuat oleh organisasi penegak hak asasi manusia dari negara Jerman. Ini linknya . Aku iseng buka twitter sehabis kekalahan Arsenal 8-2!! Dan kemudian lihat tweet temanku yang me-RT tweet dari akun tweeter pemberontak Papua barat. Lalu aku iseng buka link video tersebut. Apa yang terjadi?? Ya, aku terkejut setelah mengetahui bahwa orang Papua itu sebenarnya diperlakukan tidak adil. Aku merasa seperti penjajah! Bukannya aku mendukung pemberontakan Papua barat itu, tapi aku kasan melihat mereka menderita.

Semua pemberontakan itu tak akan terjadi jika manusia yang tinggal disana diramut dan diberikan kebutuhan yang cukup. Aku merasa tidak adil untuk Papua karena Jawa mendapat begitu banyak hal seperti pendidikan, makanan, dan transportasi yang cukup memadai. Wamena dan Jayapura adalah contoh dari kota yang telah lumayan maju, sampai memiliki klub sepak bola nya sendiri. Tapi bagaimana dengan daerah yang lain? Daetah yang agak terpencil?

Di video tersebut dijelaskan oleh seseorang yang mengaku sebagai saksi mata tahun 1969 bahwa dia dan orang-orang nya pada zaman itu dipaksa untuk iktu dengan NKRI. Hal itu menurutku tidak masalah. Yang jadi masalah adalah bahwa mereka merasa tidak nyaman dengan pemaksaan tersebut. Sebagai contoh, NKRI dulunya dijajah oleh Belanda, dengan tanam paksa dan kerja paksa yang menyiksa. Siapa di dunia ini ynag ingin dianiaya jika bukan orang bodoh? Sekarang lihatlah Malaysia atau India yang dijajah oleh Inggris, sekarang lihatlah mereka. Mereka lebih maju daripada Indonesia. Dan pada masa penjajahan Inggris dulu tidak se-menyiksa Belanda. Intinya, jika ingin 'menjajah' harus dengan cara lembut. Jika ingin mengambil sumber daya alam dari penduduk asli, berikan benefit/manfaat dengan kata lain timbal balik nya bagi mereka.

Dengan ini aku berharap agar pemerintah Indonesia menjadi lebih sadar bahwa jika tidak ditangani dengan cepat, Papua barat mungkin saja kan lepas, apalagi jika pelanggaran hak-hak asasi manusia disana sudah diketahui dunia, maka negara-negara yang ingin ikut campur bisa memperkeruh keadaan. Ingat, uang adalah segalanya. Dan manusia akan melakukan segalanya demi uang. Papua itu tanah yang kaya. Siapapun pasti akan mengambil keuntungan dari tanah Papua.

Sekian. Semoga bermanfaat. Jika ada ucapan yang salah, itu tidak disengaja. Kalian bisa share post ini kemanapun yang kalian suka.
Terimakasih :)

Rabu, 24 Agustus 2011

Nigahiga, BreezyMusic123, & mcSinging123

So guys.. what's down?? Hari ini gue iseng nyari-nyari video cover-an lagu barat atau indonesia atau zebra.. Lalu gue ngeliat video *Ini 
Atau kalau kalian penasaran lagi kalian bisa liat *Ini lagi
Atau.... *Ini lagi lagi
Gue ketawa nontonnya.. Orang ini aneh tapi lucu sekali.. Dan sepertinya dia punya obsesi tersendiri untuk lampu. Ya, di video-video nya lampu suka di sebut-sebut, disebut sebagai payung, cewek, bahkan bisa memiliki perasaan! Dan untuk setrikaan juga sama. Bisa jadi lampu, atau jadi setrikaan... Lucu lah intinya xD
Dan...matter of fact, he is number one in Youtube! --> Bukti <-- Gue gak tahu kenapa gue baru tahu sekarang, tapi gue nyesel dikit karna gak suka buka Youtube dulu. Dulu gue mikirnya, "ngapain gue ngeliatin home made-an? Padahal... Oke lupakan :)

Ngg...sebelum gue nemu video-video Nigahiga, seperti yang gue bilang gue lagi nyari-nyari video orang yang ngecover lagu (rap biasanya). Dan gue nemu dua orang ini : Cewek gila & tipe cewek idaman gue .

Oke...segitu aja buat post kali ini.. Sampe ketemu.. TEEHEE!!! xDDD

Senin, 22 Agustus 2011

Politik di Indonesia

Gue ga mau terlalu banyak ngomong yang sok tahu tentang politik di Indonesia, karena gue juga ga gitu ngerti sebenernya.. Cuman, ada satu kesan gue (yang kayaknya jadi kesan kebanyakan orang juga): POLITIK IS LICIK. I don't know why but, kayaknya begitu... Sekarang lagi heboh-hebohnya ngebicarain Nazaruddin. Ada yang bilang bahwa kasusnya adalah kasus yang direncanakan, untuk membuat suatu konspirasi demi kepentingan kelompok tertentu. Ada yang bilang Presiden SBY terlibat dengan kasus tersebut. Gue gak tahu dan ga mau tahu. Gue bukannya mau apatis, tapi, FOR GOD'S SAKE, WHY PEOPLE IN THE POLITICS CAN'T BE TRUTHFUL?

Contohnya, korupsi. Ya cukup satu kata dari serapan bahasa asing itu yang menjadi perhatian utama di negeri ini. Padahal, pejabat sudah punya gaji gede-gede, kenapa sih mesti malingin duit rakyat lagi? Apa mereka tak punya cita-cita memajukan negeri ini? Apa mereka sangat egois? Gue suka chatting dengan orang asing di www.omegle.com dan disana gue nemu orang-orang dari berbagai belahan dunia, berbincang-bincang mengenai berbagai macam hal. Yang bisa gue tarik sebagai kesimpulan adalah, bahwa ga ada bedanya antara orang-orang di Negara manapun. Kita sama-sama punya kemampuan yang setara. Gimana ngasih contohnya ya, misalnya kemampuan bahasa Inggris..kemampuan gue dan orang-orang dari negara non-bahasa Inggris lainnya hampir ga ada bedanya. Terus gue tanyain tentang gaya hidup mereka. Yah, itu agak beda ya di setiap negara. Yang jelas, secara genetik orang Indonesia gak kalah. Intinya, kita juga bisa jadi negara maju.

Tapi, kenapa susah sekali untuk mewujudkannya? Kita berkutat pada konflik politik dan tidak memperbaiki sarana-sarana (seperti transportasi) dan juga penemuan-penemuan. Kurangnya pendidikan yang merata, pembangunan yang tak merata. Kehidupan hedonis di Jawa Barat, tapi ketinggalan zaman di timur negara ini. Gue gak tahu siapa yang harus disalahin. Mungkin kita semua harus berhenti untuk saling menyalahkan. Mungkin kita semua harus bertindak dan melakukan apapun yang bisa kita lakukan kini untuk kemajuan negeri ini.

Gue sedih ngeliat orang Amerika Serikat yang anak mudanya sangat terfasilitasi dengan berbagai macam sarana pengembangan bakat dan kreatifitas, sedangkan di sini, lapangan baseball umum aja ga ada di kota gua. Taman kota aja ga ada. Intinya, menurut gue negara ini agak berlari di tempat. Politik aja terus yang ga ada habisnya....

Minggu, 21 Agustus 2011


Well, sebelum ke inti dari tulisan ini...gue mau share dikit tentang masa lalu gue di SMA. Seperti kata orang, (kebanyakan), masa SMA itu masa paling bahagia. (katanya sih..gue ga percaya, karena sex kayanya lebih membahagiakan *ups) Nah, sampe mana ? mm... Sampeee.. Oke. Gini, masa SMA itu waktu dimana umur kita yah kira2 antara (gue malu untuk nulisnya, tapi, gue bener2 menggunakan jari2 tangan kanan gue untuk menghitung 11,12,13...kay..forget it....) 15-17 tahun (kurang lebih lah...hehehe) Ada yang lebih muda, ada yang lebih tua. Kayanya dalam usia2 sebegitu, manusia secara (tebak aja) --> genetik itu sedang mengalami masa puber, jadi hormon2 nya dan fisiknya itu berubah, diimbangi dengan perubahan mental. Bukan mental disorder... Tapi menjadi dewasa... Nah, waktu gue masih SMA, gue pengen menghabiskan masa yang katanya indah itu dengan senang2. Dan oleh karena itu, gue memutuskan untuk menjadi orang yang lucu. Tapi, nyatanya..who knows...well, kau tak selalu mendapatkan apa yang kau inginkan :), kalau kau ngerti maksudku. Jadi, gue pernah berusaha untuk melucu. Dengan sering. Yang kayaknya merupakan suatu kesalahan fatal, karena gue tak diberkahi dengan kemampuan untuk melucu. Lalu, singkat cerita, gue dicap jayus..it's ok. Karena teman2 tetap tertawa walau mereka bilang gue jayus. Ada yang perlu diingat bahwa mungkin karena cap jayus itu melekat pada image gue, jadi setiap gue nge-jayus, orang jadi ingat ke "hei, dia si bodoh yang suka menjayus"...yah seperti itulah, makanya yang diketawain itu bukan lelucon gue , tapi gue-nya. ckck. gpp..*elus dada. Tapi, dengan diterimanya gue walau jayus, gue seneng dan menemukan beberapa cara untuk paling ga, sedikit bisa lucu beneran, yaitu dengan gerakan dan respon spontan dan pikiran bodoh yang kadang terucap. ya, statement2 bodoh itu adalah satu2nya senjata gue yagn keluar dari mulut :).

Oke, jadi intinya dulu gue mau memliki kepribadian sebagai pelawak, namun gagal... Memasuki masa kuliah, gue pikir, "hal ini tak bisa dibiarkan! Sampai kapan kau mau jadi loser....YAHYA?!!" Oke, agak sedikit serius... gue berusaha untuk jadi orang yang 'warasan' dikit. Dan lambat laun gue kehilangan kegilaan gue. Tapi, bukannya gue jadi cool dan smart seperti yang gue bayangin, gue tetep aja bego. Tapi ga hobi ngeluarin statement bodoh lagi. Itu doang bedanye....

Dannnn...... barusan gue liat video unik dan lucu dari youtube.. Ini dia . Dan aku pikir, "waw..gila ni orang gile..dan bener2 lucu"
terus gue jadi mikir lagi, "kalau gue ga berusaha ngerubah kepribadian, kira2 bisa kek gini juga ga ya?"
Tapi, yah... people always have lovers and haters too. Jadi, ga masalah kita mau berkepribadian gimana tetap aja ada yang ga suka. Atau dengan istilah lain, "you can not make everybody happy".
So, it doesn't matter now... I just wanna say that kepribadian itu unik, dan kepribadian itu terkadang membuat orang kagum dan membuat orang menjadi ingin seperti orang yang didambakan tersebut. 
Ingin bisa apa yang mereka bisa, dan sebagainya. Bagus ingin menjadi lebih, tapi buruk jika jadi tidak menghargai diri apa adanya.

Cewek tadi juga bilang, I'm kinda weird but I don't mind. Bagus, dia bersyukur akan siapa dirinya.
So, marilah kita mencintai diri kita apa adanya :)

Selasa, 16 Agustus 2011

Diary - 2

Yo, Oktober tanggal 31 adalah deadline gue untuk submit karya/komik untuk kompetisi tingat internasional yang diadakan oleh Kodansha. Ya, untuk tahun ini berarti sudah menjadi kompetisi kelima yang diadakan oleh mereka. Dan aku baru tahu kalau kompetisi itu ada pada tahun ini -_-", tidak apa-apa :D Ayo semangat !!
Ini link-nya :

Kemarin-kemarin gue penasaran sama juara-juaranya, 'kayak apa sih karya yang bisa menang penghargaan itu?' Setelah membaca hampir semua komik mulai juara 1-3 dari kompetisi paling pertama sampe yang keempat, gue dapet kesimpulan bahwa mereka mempunyai kesamaan di suatu sisi, yaitu cerita yang menyentuh. Ya, kenapa bukan 'gambar yang luar biasa bagusnya, atau apa lah gitu?' Hal ini terbukti kok dengan salah satu karya yang berhasil menduduki peringkat kedua dengan gambar yang dibawah rata-rata. Tapi kelebihannya itu gambarnya konsisten. Dan paling tidak masih bisa dimengerti. Tidak abstrak total yang sampai-sampai tidak jelas bedanya kaki dengan pantat.O.O
Well, aku berniat mengikuti kompetisi ini. Ide sudah ada di kepala. Cuma masih SANGAT AMAT BINGUNG bagaimana aku harus menceritakannya dengan batas 50 halaman, padahal ceritaku sepertinya lumayan panjang.

Ceritanya kurang lebih seperti ini:

One time, a guy who lived in england really wanted to have someone to be loved and cared. But before his wish came true, he died. He was in the afterlife then. But, God gave him an oppurtunity to come back in the world as a curious spirit (spirit who has desires that haven't reached when they lived ). So, he took the oppurtunity instead of going to the next afterlife (like heaven or hell thing)
When he was sent to the world once more he was sent to Indonesia :):). It was at some street. He saw a girl, about 18 years old. He was 20. He was melted by her beauty. So he followed her home.
Short story he began to introduce himself to the girl. At the first time the girl was surprised. But then she was getting used to it. They became friends. Since the guy was a spirit, he could speak any language by God's permission.
The guy had feeling to this girl,but the girl didn't. But he didnt really mind it as long as he could be friends with her.

One day the girl had to go to college in English literature. Since the guy was from england, he helped her. By the time the girl began to like him.
And then the conflict began. They both fall in love each other. But when he was talking to God back then, God said, "you can be a human once more if you will have found your love. But, you and your lover will loose your ability to speak(silent)."
The guy explained everything to the girl. They both were in such a dilemma. Whether they should forget each other, or he come back to live again and become lovers but can not talk to each other.
In the end, they chose to become lovers. So the guy become alive again. But suddenly the girl coudlnt speak, the guy too. But after a while, they both can speak. Then the God whispered to him, "I lied to you to test your measure of love and bravery to take action for your love. Now, you have passed the test."
And so they had a happy ending.

Kenapa bahasa Inggris? :D Adalah karena tu tulisan co-pas an dari chattingan gue sama orang Turki. Kami ketemu di omegle.com dan abis itu berteman di Facebook. Dia baik banget, dia bahkan mau curhat tentang cowok ke gue. Ya gue ladenin aja. Lama-lama jadi terbiasa chatting, walau gue juga ngerasa agak kurang enak kalau keseringan. Jadi ya sekali-sekali aja chatting nya. Kemarin gue chatting ya gue cerita ke dia soal mau ikutan lomba itu, dan begitulah gue nyusun kata-katanya :D

Kembali ke topik awal, sekarang gue bingung banget, lagi nyari inspirasi, makanya gue nulis di blog ini siapa tahu langsung muncul wangsit dari Tuhan. Gue bingung banget, soalnya dalam ngebuat sebuah cerita apalagi cerita pendek, itu harus bikin effect yang mendalam pada pembaca. Harus ada feeling yang disampaikan. Apa yang jadi amanat nya dan bagaimana perasaan para tokoh harus tersampaikan dengan jelas. Selain itu, konsep cerita harus unik. Kalau soal konsep gue lumayan pede. Cuma gue sama sekali ga ngerti dan belum berpengalaman dalam menyusun script/naskah cerita. Gimana caranya bikin yang ga maksa tapi menegangkan. Rasanya cerita gue datar aja. Gue bingung, apa sih yang harus ditambahin waktu lagi cerita? Sumpah bingung. Duolu waktu gue google-ing gue pernah nemu artikel bahwa cara bercerita itu harus lebay walaupun aslinya biasa aja. Tapi seolah-olah perasaan tokoh itu luar biasa terguncang gitu. Sebenernya gue ga suka kalau harus cerita dengan lebay, rasanya ga logis. Jadi gimana ya? :D Bingung~:D

Adalah kerja keras, bukan ambisi besar

Adalah besarnya kerja keras, bukannya besarnya ambisi yang kita miliki yang membuat kita sukses. Seperti kata Alpha Edison, "Jenius adalah 99%kerja keras, dan 1% bakat". Hal ini baru benar-benar aku rasakan pada hari ini. Selama ini aku selalu berpikir, "Ah, tidak apa-apa, suatu saat PASTI aku akan bisa berhasil. Suatu saat PASTI aku akan meraih ambisi dan mimpi-mimpiku".
Tapi, hari ini aku kembali merenungkan semuanya yang telah lewat. Tseh.. tentang semua yang telah terjadi terutama setahun belakangan ini. Aku pikir teman-teman di kampus sempat berpikiran bahwa aku suka pamer akan apa yang aku impikan. Walau sebenarnya tidak berpikiran dan berniat seperti itu, aku hanya ingin agar mereka lebih banyak belajar dan bertindak untuk persiapan cita-cita masing-masing daripada membuang waktu demi hal yagn tidak berguna seperti bermain-main saja, karena aku melihat sepertinya mereka tidak mempunyai rencana yang jelas utnuk hidup mereka beberapa tahun ke depan. Memang sih itu hanya asumsi ku saja, siapa tahu mereka malah justru berpikiran lebih maju dibandingkan aku namun mereka tidak menunjukkannya saja.
Yang pasti, selama setahun ini pengalaman ku yang tidak mendapat dukungan dari sebagian besar orang, menyadarkanku abhwa semuanya harus kita lakukan sendiri. Sukseskan/berhasilkan lah dirimu sendiri, jangan mengharapkan bantuan atau bahkan dukungan orang lain sekecil apapun. Kemudian, aku menjalani hari-hari ku dengan memegang prinsip itu. Hasilnya, memang hari-hari terasa lebih menyenangkan. Dan aku jadi tidak suka bermulut besar lagi, seperti berusaha membuat orang lain bermimpi besar seperti ku juga. Karena aku sadar, bahwa orang lain tidak suka diatur atau dipaksa. Walaupun niat kita itu baik. Aku jadi membayangkan bagaimana jadinya jika aku punya anak dan dia tidak mau dinasihati -_-". LOL
Oke, dan masa ku kuliah semester 4 pun berakhir dan kini aku ada di rumah selama liburan. Dan pada hari ini atiba-tiba ting!..aku menemukan sebuah ide. Sebuah ilham tentang prinsip baru yang harus kupegang lagi. Yaitu prinsip Lebih baik tidak mempunyai mimpi sama sekali dapripada menjadi pemimpi yang hanya bisa bermimpi tanpa usaha keras. Ya, itulah wangsitnya. Mungkin gara-gara habis baca tweet Raditya Dika di TL ku , kurang lebih seperti ini bunyinya, "....". Aku lupa bunyinya yang jelas akhirnnya itu menjelaskan kalau menjadi 'pelamun' itu jelek. Oh, baru ingat! "Banyak orang yang bermimpi besar, tapi banyak diantara nya yang hanya melamunkan mimpinya". Salah betul (emang nya ada kata-kata begini ya?) begitulah.
Jadi, sekarang adalah saatnya untuk bangkit, Yahya! Buktikan kalau kau bukan hanya bisa bermimpi besar, namun juga bisa bekerja keras dan pantang menyerah! Jangan sia-sia kan waktu mu dengan melamun sampai tua.

Selasa, 02 Agustus 2011

Diary - 1

Well, tumben aku jadi ingin menulis tentang kehidupan sehari-hari ku. Dulu, aku pikir, "untuk apa membuat diary? Kayak cewek aja". Tapi, aku pikir-pikir lagi, mungkin suatu saat akan berguna. Ketika kita sudah tua, dan kita ingin membuka lembaran-lembaran masa lalu, maka kita bisa membuka blog ini. Tempat untuk menulis apapun yang kau suka. Mungkin suatu saat aku akan ketawa-ketawa membaca tulisan-tulisan ini lagi. Jika aku menulis hal-hal yang lucu tentunya.
Mungkin aku memang terinspirasi oleh Raditya Dika yang sukses membuat blog nya menjadi sebuah buku komedi. Di sisi lain, aku takut dikira nyontek. Plagiat, niru-niru, dan gak kreatif. Tapi, ide dia itu memang brilian :D

Terserah lah orang mau bilang apa, yang jelas ini hanya untuk kesenangan pribadi ku saja :).

Alright, mau nulis tentang apa dulu ya? Sekarang aku lagi di bandara. Mau pulang ke Samarinda. Sudah duduk anteng di ruang tunggu nih. Dan gak, ruang tunggu nya gak kayak ruang tunggu di stasiun kereta yang sumpek abis. Disini luas sekali. Well, itu gak penting. Yang penting adalah agar aku gak congek dengerin orang ngumumin keberangkatan pesawat citilink gua. (Kenapa pake gua? Biar rasa gak kaku lah :) ) Nah, cerita nya kan gue baru sampe nih di ruang tunggu. Abis di cek sama mbak-mbak penjaganya yang lagi asik mainin hape, abis itu gua nyari toilet. Udah kebelet nih! turun beberapa anak tangga, sampe juga akhirnya di toilet cowok. Gua cari pispot Spiderman aje. Ya, soalnya mereka nempel di dinding kayak laba-laba. Gue kencing. Eh, gue teken dulu tu air flush nya. Sapa tau gak jalan, kan berabe... gue gak mau kon*ol gue yang ganteng diliat bencong bandara kan. Sesudah nya gue mau cuci tangan. Berhubung di atas tu pispot ada kotak yang ada keliatan kayak tisunya, gue coba buat tarik tisu dari bawah.
Lho? Kok gak ada?
Gue coba dari samping. Ada semacam tombol gitu. Gue teken-teken, puter-puter.
Gak bisa juga.
Gue diem sebentar. Gue bingung.
Nah, di kotak itu ada tulisan digital " 5.00 ". Entah itu maksudnya menunjukkan jam atau apa. Tapi yang gue tahu waktu sekarang adalah 05.30.
Oooooh....akhirnya gue nyadar, itu maksudnya 5 liter air. Ya, mungkin 5 liter, atau 5 apa di bawah nya liter lupa. Yang jelas gue ketipu waktu itu.
Gue tenteng tas kresek gue yang berisi oleh-oleh dari bandung, Kartika Sari boo'.. Mahal. Nah,
gue tenteng sampe ke wastafel. Gue bercermin. Muka gue ganteng juga ya.. -________-
Oke, skip dari omongan membanggakan diri sendiri eta. Gue mulai cuci tangan. Lalu gue liat ada sabun, tumben deh gue pake tu sabun. Tumben gue jadi higienis dan cinta kebersihan. Mungkin ini gara-gara pengaruh dari Mas Aswin, temen sekamar gue yang baru. Orang nya rapih dan bersih banget. Kamar nya yang paling rapih di kosan (untuk cowoknya). Gak tahu ceweknya, karena gue gak berani masuk gedung cewek, takut dikira macem-macem.
Pas gue selesai cuci tangan, gue ngeliat ada bekas odol disitu. Yuck...jijik abis dah. Ini orang jorok banget ya, odolnya gak dibersihin. Gue suka jijik ngebayangin kalo orang lagi sikat gigi dengan penuh odol di mulutnya. Gue jijk ngebayangin jigong-jigong.
Gue jijik.

Tapi, waktu itu gue mikir, masih mending disitu ada odol. Wajar kan kalo ada odol di wastafel? Apalagi ini bandara. mungkin ada orang yang abis tidur di bandara, dan sebagainya. yang gak wajar itu kalo gue nemu kondom bekas pake' semalem sama pramugari di wastafel.
Nah, itu gue baru kaget.

Oke deh... sekian dulu. Pesawat mau berangkat.

Senin, 01 Agustus 2011

Apa yang Membuat Sebuah Komik Menarik untuk Dibaca

Well, beberapa hari ini aku telah membaca komik-komik online hasil dari kerja keras para komikus Indonesia. Dan juga membaca 2 artikel di dalam situs komikoo.com tentang cara membuat komik yang bagus dan menarik.

Kesimpulan yang bisa saya dapat adalah bahwa di dalam komik ada beberapa unsur yang HARUS, ingat, saya bilang HARUS dimiliki di dalam sebuah komik.

Yaitu, penokohan, cara bercerita, cerita itu sendiri, dan yang terakhir gambar yang cocok dengan cerita.

Baiklah, saya mau menjelaskan satu per satu hal diatas, tapi secara singkat saja...

1. Penokohan. Menurut artikel yang saya baca, penokohan merupakan hal paling penting untuk sebuah komik. Pada realitanya, memang dalam setiap cerita, entah itu pewayangan, sinetron, film Hollywood, ataupun film Bollywood, semuanya memiliki yang namanya Tokoh Utama! Jadi, pembaca itu ingin bisa merasakan, atau berempati terhadap tokoh yang ada di cerita tersebut. Ok, penjelasan habis, titik.
2. Cara bercerita. Pernah dengar yang namanya cinematografi? Ya, kalau sudah baguslah, saya tak harus menjelaskannya panjang lebar lagi. Tapi bagi yang belum, oke deh saya kasih tahu aja (kasian). Pernahkah Anda menonton Transformers atau Harry Potter (yang lagi trend-trend nya nih sekarang) ? Dalam film-film itu pasti ada beberapa adegan yang 'WAH!'. Padahal ya, kalau dilihat dari behind the scene nya, jelek amat. Biasa, garing, cupu, kayak ngeliat orang boker diatas toilet duduk dengan cara jongkok. Karena angle kamera nya yang mantap, makanya bisa jadi seru..gitu. Lalu, dari segi teknik cara menceritakan...seperti ada opening, problems, problem solving --- or, perkenalan, klimaks, anti klimaks.. Yah, pinter-pinter si pengarang buat ngebawa suasana si pembaca (Ini kenapa bahasa nya jadi gak baku lagi?)
3. Cerita. Oke, satu kata, unik. Jangan sama dengan yang sudah pasaran. Kalau bisa buat yang "waw.. saya tak pernah terpikirkan cerita seperti ini..." Kayak gitu lah. Boleh sih yang sudah umum, tapi itu menuntut cara bercerita yang sangat bagus.
4. Gambar. Don't jundge the book by its cover adalah kutipan yang salah besar. Di dunia ini, yang namanya penampilan itu pasti selalu nomor satu. Mau cari jodoh, liat fisik/penampilan calon. Mau lamar kerja, liat penampilan, rapih apa nggak. Selalu. Makanya kalau mau bikin komik yang laku jangan mengajukan komik dengan gambar yang nggak ada bedanya sama coretan anak TK yang ngegambar pake kaki pas lagi kentut.

Oke, cukup sekian, dan terima kasih. Apabila ada salah kata, mohon maaf yang sebesar-besarnya =)

Minggu, 03 Juli 2011

Thank God I have them

Kemarin adalah seperti sebuah kejadian kehidupan yang menyenangkan untukku. Bagaimana tidak? Aku secara tidak sengaja mendapati temanku mau bekerja sama membuat komik! Akhirnya pintu yang selama ini aku dobrak paksa namun tidak terbuka-buka, akhirnya terbuka juga. :D Pintu yang harus ku lewati untuk meraih mimpiku (mungkin dalam kasus ini MIMPI KAMI BERDUA) kini telah terbuka sedikit. Kunci nya telah kutemukan. Aku yang selama ini tak pernah berani untuk membuat satu komik beneran karena tidak percaya diri dengan kemampuan gambarku yang literally sucks, telah menemukan teman/partner untuk mewujudkan mimpi menjadi pengarang komik. Sekarang aku sedang bergumul dan berkelahi dengan pikiranku sendiri, menentukan mana adegan yang paling cocok untuk dimasukkan, atau bumbu apa lagi yang harus ditambahkan ke dalam racikan spesial kali ini :). Beigtulah...
Selain itu aku beruntung sekali mempunyai teman-teman dan keluarga yang mendukung ku untuk mewujudkan impian ku ini. Semuanya...terima kasih.... Alhamdulillah jaza humullohukhoiro untuk Rabb ku :)

Seperti semut, kecil namun kuat

Di dalam kehidupan yang sebentar ini kita terhanyut ke dalam sebuah dilemma... terkadang kita akan mengikuti kemana arus sungai cinta dan kehampaan membawa kita, namun terkadang juga kita merintangi derasnya arus sungai tersebut. Apapun jalan yang Anda pilih dan tegaskan untuk dilewati... akan menentukan masa depan Anda dan situasi yang harus Anda hadapi nanti. Untuk saya sendiri.. menginjak usia yang sudah hampir berkepala dua, berarti telah mendekati masa untuk hidup yang benar-benar sendiri.. saya telah dan masih tetap berusaha untuk membangun pribadi ini menjadi sebaik mungkin yang bisa saya bangun.

Asam garam selama 19 tahun ini harus ku manfaatkan sebijak mungkin. Dan saya ingin berbagi sedikit prinsip yang membuatku kuat.

1. Tegaskan!
    Tegaskan keinginanmu dan tegaskan bahwa kau berhak dan mampu mendapatkan apa yang kau inginkan dalam hidup ini. Jika kau berusaha semaksimal mungkin insya Allah kau akan meraihnya.
2. Ikhlaskan
    Namun bila cita-cita mu masih ditunda Nya, janganlah bersedih. Sabarlah, karena Allah sungguh-sungguh akan menepati janji Nya. Ia berfirman bahwa makhluk Nya yang bersungguh-sungguh pasti akan berhasil. Bersabarlah...
3. Bersihkan, baikkan, dan rendahkan
Hatimu adalah cerminan jiwa dan pikiranmu. Jangan tanamkan kesombongan di dalamnya. Jangan pernah remehkan orang lain. Jangan menggosipkan keburukan temanmu. Jangan kau berburuk sangka pada orang lain. Dan bersabarlah, jangan biarkan amarah menguasai hatimu. Karena setiap manusia tentu tak akan disukai oleh orang lain apabila ia mempunyai sifat yang jelek. Ada kata-kata mutiara yang berkata bahwa, cara terbaik menilai diri sendiri adalah melalui kaca mata orang lain. Jadilah pribadi yang baik dan membaikkan bagi sesama.
4. Jangan manja!
    Hidup itu sejujurnya sendirian. Kita memang punya saudara, sahabat, dan teman yang mengisi hidup kita dengan suka dan duka dan mewarnai kertas kehidupan kita sehari-hari. Namun, kita tak bisa selamanya bergantung dan meminta pertolongan mereka untuk selalu menghibur kita. Ada kalanya kita harus berdiri di atas kaki kita sendirian menghadapi kenyataan yang terkadang tak sesuai dengan apa yang diharapkan dan bahkan terkadang pahit. Tapi itulah fakta hidup, kita tak mungkin bisa lolos dari yang namanya kesulitan dan masalah. Yang bisa kita lakukan hanyalah berusaha mengatasi masalah yang menimpa kita. Setiap masalah adalah batu loncatan bagi kita untuk melangkah lebih maju lagi dalam hidup ini. Kita tak perlu meminta-minta orang lain untuk mendukung usaha kita atau lain sebagainya. Kita tidak usah meminta-minta tolong orang lain untuk mengerjakan pekerjaan kita. Semuanya kita serahkan pada satu orang, yaitu diri kita sendiri. Jadilah seperti karang yang tak hilang walau diterjang ombak.
5. Lakukan!
   Sudahkah selesai Anda bergumul tentang masalah dan impian Anda yang belum selesai dan tercapai? Jangan hanya dipikirkan. Jika hanya dipikirkan tak akan ada kemajuan se-inchi pun. Laksanakan dan kerjakan apa yang harus Anda lakukan. Suatu saat usaha Anda akan berbuah. Jangan malas. Jangan berpikir negatif bahwa Anda berjalan di tempat. Ada kata-kata dari motivator kita, Bapak Mario Teguh, "Hidup ini apabila Anda tidak sedang naik, maka Anda sedang turun". Maka dari itu lakukan sebanyak mungkin kegiatan positif yang bisa Anda kerjakan setiap hari. Dan maksud saya bukan hanya kegiatan berat yang memerlukan keseriusan, tapi bersantai dan bercanda dengan keluarga juga bisa termasuk. Jadikanlah momen-momen itu bermanfaat bagi diri Anda sendiri dan orang lain :)
6. Harapkan
    Yang terakhir hanyalah satu kata, harapkan... Setelah semua usaha dan keringat yang telah ditumpahkan, bertawakal alias berpasrah adalah keharusan. Kita bukan seseorang dengan kekuatan magis yang bisa menciptakan takdir, bukan juga penyihir yang bisa mengubah nasib. Kita serahkan sisanya pada Dia Yang Maha Mengatur. Dan apapun hasilnya nanti harus kita terima apa adanya dengan penuh rasa syukur. Jika masih gagal, ingatlah, bahwa hidungmu masih bernapas. Dan pintu kesempatan masih terbuka.

Senin, 27 Juni 2011

How to overcome fear of failure

Sumber: http://www.2achieveyourgoals.com/how-to-overcome-fear-of-failure/

Are you afraid of failure? Did you give up on your goals because of your fear?  How to overcome fear of failure?
Fear of failure is common among people. Everyone wants to achieve success, but the ones who do become successful are the brave ones who are willing to challenge fear. These kinds of people are the ones who took action and did whatever they can to achieve their goals. However, people who’s fear defeated them, kept thinking and dreaming about their goals without challenging fear of failure.

Overcoming fear of failure

To learn how to overcome fear of failure, follow the steps below:
1. Recognize your fear of failure
Look and examine your life. Ask yourself when did you stop going after your goals because of your fear of failure? Be honest with yourself. If you stopped doing something or if you stopped yourself from going after your goals because you are afraid to fail, then know you have fear, which you need to overcome.
2. Decide to win
Everything in life starts with making a solid decision. Decide now that you will not allow fear to stop you from achieve your goals and success. Many people become afraid of failure because they have failed in the past and made mistakes. They think they are responsible for everything that went wrong and usually make things worse than they really are.
3. Take action against the fear
Strong fear prevents you from taking any action and from taking the first step. This strong fear makes you believe that your attempts to reaching your goals are going to go in vain. Remember if you fail, that is fine. The important thing is to keep trying. When you learned to walk as a child, you fell many times, but you stood up and tried again until you were able to walk. Do the same with your goals.
4. Find alternatives
There are several factors that contribute to your success or your failure when you do something. Pay attention to what steps you take. If you take some steps and don’t get the desired results, then change what you are doing, so you can get different results. The important thing to remember not to link your mistakes with who you are.
5. Move forward
When you have a goal that you want to achieve, you are going to come across some people who will tell you not to bother with your goals, or you will not succeed, or you are a dreamer. Ignore such people and focus on what you want to accomplish.
6. Overcome negative thinking
Instead of filling your head with negative thoughts that will cause you doubt and fear, fill your head with optimism and examine your negative beliefs. Other people as successful, so why not you? If other people could become successful, then you can.
7. Learn from your past experiences
The lessons you learn from your experiences are very beneficial for your growth. Study the reasons that caused you to fail and to not get the desired results and learn from them.
Remember what Arthur Ashe said, “Every time you win, it diminishes the fear a little bit. You never really cancel the fear of losing; you keep challenging it.”
Do you know that only 3% of the world’s population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for 2achieveyourgoals.com is to help you become from the top 3% of the world’s population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

How committed are you to your goals?

Sumber: http://www.2achieveyourgoals.com/how-committed-are-you-to-your-goals/

Thomas Edison had a vision for many years that he would discover a bulb. He tried for so many years, with no luck. However, he was committed to his goal and knew that he will succeed some day and he did.
Let me ask you, are you committed to succeed? Are you committed to challenge all the obstacles to achieve your goals?

Harland David Sanders, known as Colonel Sanders who is the owner of Kentucky Fried Chicken didn’t have much money at age 63 and didn’t want to live only on the money that he gets from the government, so he decided to sell his chicken recipe to over one thousand restaurants with no luck. Then after so many pursuits, one of the restaurants decided to give him a chance, which led to Sanders success in the whole world. His strong commitment to his goal led to his success.
If you want to be committed to your goals, follow the steps below:
1. Commit to your family. For example, you could write down five things that you could use to improve your relationship with your family and friends.
2. Commitment to your job. Think of five things you can use to help you with your job and career.
3. Commit to achieve your goals. If anyone tells you that it is impossible to achieve your goals, don’t listen to them and don’t let anything stand in your way. Commit and know that it is possible to get what you want.
4. Commitment to your health. Begin your commitment to improve your health today. Set a time daily to exercise, eat better, drink lots of water. Do everything you can do to improve your health.
5. Commit to helping others. If you know someone that needs help in any way, then lend him a hand.
6. Make a commitment to start appreciating everything you have and receive in your life.
By making strong commitments to your goals, you will know that you won’t get sidetracked. I mentioned in my book “the ultimate guide to achieve your goals” that if you persist and commit yourself to your goals and direct all your energy toward your goals, you will for sure achieve what you want in life. Confront all your challenges and don’t give them much attention and you will be on your way to achieving success.
Do you know that only 3% of the world’s population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for 2achieveyourgoals.com is to help you become from the top 3% of the world’s population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

Characteristics of the successful people

Sumber: http://www.2achieveyourgoals.com/characteristics-of-the-successful-people/

Do successful people have specific characteristics? What makes successful people achieve their goals?
We all look for ways to become successful, yet many believe that it is difficult to achieve success. Some possess naturally the characteristics that the successful people have while others learn to acquire those attributes. There are many characteristics that successful people have, however, there are four major ones.

To learn about the characteristics of the successful people, follow the below steps:
1. Having clear plan and commitment-
If you don’t have a clear plan toward a specific goal and if you are not committed then you will never reach your goals. You first have to know what you want, think of a plan and the time you expect to achieve your goal. The main difference between the successful and unsuccessful is that the first one has a clear plan, while the second doesn’t have a plan and is not committed to his goal.
2. Manage your time-
Time management is one of the most important goals to success. I’m sure you know that the majority of people suffer from lack of time, but the truth is most of us don’t know how to use our time correctly and we tend to live randomly.
3. Prepare for opportunities and take action-
We all get opportunities in life. Some exploit those opportunities very well, however, the majority evade those opportunities because of fear of not doing well. If you get an opportunity in life that you think will help you in achieving your goal, take it and do not run away from it.
4. Self confidence-
Know that it is natural to “fail” many times. Those failed attempts should not affect your confidence in yourself. The problem is that many people give up when they don’t reach their desired goals the first time. You have to overcome those obstacles and start viewing those attempts that you “failed” in them as experiences rather than failing. Do whatever it takes to reach your goals.
Always remember that what George Sheehan said, “Success means having the courage, the determination, and the will to become the person you believe you were meant to be.”
Do you know that only 3% of the world’s population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for 2achieveyourgoals.com is to help you become from the top 3% of the world’s population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. If you have a specific goal that you want to accomplish or want to improve an area of your life, but do not know how or why you are not getting any result, then this is the place for you.

How to be brave and go after your goals

Sumber: http://www.2achieveyourgoals.com/how-to-be-brave-and-go-after-your-goals/

Are you brave? Do you allow fear to destroy your dreams and goals?  How to be brave?
If you allowed your fear to destroy your goals, then I’m sure you became frustrated and maybe thought about giving up on your goals and dreams at one point in life. Despite all the challenges that you might have encountered, you have to be brave. With a small shift of your attitude, you can turn fear into bravery and optimism that you can use for your own advantage.

If you are like most people, you will look at what happens to you in life in a negative way. You focus on the challenges instead of the positive. You might hesitate to take any action because of the possibility that you will not succeed.
If you try to switch your focus from the negativity to positive things, you will find the courage and passion to take the necessary steps to achieve your goals. Be optimistic as much as you can and know that fear is what makes you focus on the negative side of things instead of the positive.
As I mentioned in my book “The ultimate guide to achieve your goals” it is important to remember that life doesn’t give you bravery or fear, you are the one who chooses between the two. Life gives you opportunities and it is up to you to use these opportunities to your advantage. Know that each one of us has courage and fear inside of us, it is up to us to choose which one. Which one are you going to choose?

The brave

To learn how to be brave, follow the quick guide below:
1. Start small
No matter how small the steps you take, they are still a sign of bravery and courage. Do you feel shy, for example, to give a speech in front of others? Start taking small steps until you become more brave to stand and talk in front of many people.
2. Practice bravery
 Bravery is like any other skill, it needs to be practiced, so it becomes second nature.
3. Bravery varies from one person to another
 What you consider an act of bravery, others might consider it as normal. Know that each one has different capacities, so you have to know yours.
4. Bravery vs. comfort zone
You have two choices, you either become brave to challenge fear and the obstacles in your life or stay in your comfort zone and achieve nothing. Remember if you decide to become brave, you are on the way to prosperity, progress, and creativity.
Always remember that “The brave man is not he who feels no fear, For that were stupid and irrational; But he, whose noble soul its fear subdues, And bravely dares the danger nature shrinks from.”
Do you know that only 3% of the world’s population manage to plan and reach their goals? The main goal for 2achieveyourgoals.com is to help you become from the top 3% of the world’s population who know how to achieve any goal they desire in all areas of life. ”The ultimate guide to achieve your goals” was released to help you achieve everything your heart desires.

Jumat, 24 Juni 2011

Quotes About Stupidity

"Never attribute to malice that which can be adequately explained by stupidity."
"Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former."
-Albert Einstein
"Nothing in the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and consciencious stupidity."
-Martin Luther King, Jr.
"Men are born ignorant, not stupid. They are made stupid by education."
-Bertrand Russell
"Only the wisest and stupidest of men never change."
"The trouble with the world is that the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt."
-Bertrand Russell
"Success in almost any field depends more on energy and drive than it does on intelligence. This explains why we have so many stupid leaders."
-Sloan Wilson
"A stupid child is ruin to a father, and a wife’s quarreling is a continual dripping of rain."
-The Bible: Hebrew, Proverbs 19:13
"Stupid is as stupid does."
-Forrest Gump
"'Stupid as a man,' say the women: 'cowardly as a woman,' say the men. Stupidity in a woman is unwomanly."
-Friedrich Nietzsche
"The stupid neither forgive nor forget; the naïve forgive and forget; the wise forgive but do not forget."
-Thomas Szasz
"When a stupid man is doing something he is ashamed of, he always declares that it is his duty."
-George Bernard Shaw
"To be stupid and selfish and to have good health are the three requirements for happiness, though if stupidity is lacking, the others are useless."
-Gustave Flaubert
"Sure the people are stupid: the human race is stupid. Sure Congress is an inefficient instrument of government. But the people are not stupid enough to abandon representative government for any other kind, including government by the guy who knows."
-Bernard Devoto
"There is no cure for stupid wives and willful children."
-Chinese proverb
"A clever wife often sleeps with a stupid husband."
-Chinese proverb
"Unless one pretends to be stupid and deaf, it is difficult to be a mother-in-law or father-in-law."
-Chinese proverb
"The ugly and the stupid have the best of it in this world. They can sit at their ease and gape at the play. If they know nothing of victory, they are at least spared the knowledge of defeat."
-Oscar Wilde
"You even called me stupid in your verse, and I’m almost agreeing, for where stupidity is involved, you are quite an expert, friend."
-Franz Grillparzer
"Whenever a man does a thoroughly stupid thing, it is always from the noblest motives."
-Oscar Wilde
"One always has the idea of a stupid man as perfectly healthy and ordinary, and of illness as making one refined and clever and unusual."
-Thomas Mann
"The only thing that ever consoles man for the stupid things he does is the praise he always gives himself for doing them."
-Oscar Wilde
"I had rather be an oyster than a man, the most stupid and senseless of animals."
-George Berkeley
"It is dangerous to be sincere unless you are also stupid."
-George Bernard Shaw
"We have no words for speaking of wisdom to the stupid. He who understands the wise is wise already."
-G.C. Lichtenberg
"There are only two races on this planet-the intelligent and the stupid."
-John Fowles
"Between a fellow who is stupid and honest and one who is smart and crooked, I will take the first. I won’t get much out of him, but with that other guy I can’t keep what I’ve got."
-Gen Lewis B Hershey, Director, Selective Service System
"One must be a little foolish, if one does not want to be even more stupid."
-Michel de Montaigne
"I like to think of my behavior in the sixties as a 'learning experience.' Then again, I like to think of anything stupid I’ve done as a 'learning experience.' It makes me feel less stupid."
-P.J. O’Rourke
"Only in Britain could it be thought a defect to be 'too clever by half.' The probability is that too many people are too stupid by three-quarters."
-John Major
"You have to believe in God before you can say there are things that man was not meant to know. I don’t think there’s anything man wasn’t meant to know. There are just some stupid things that people shouldn’t do."
-David Cronenberg

Facts About Air Polluition Caused by Smoking

Facts About Air Pollution Caused by Smokingthumbnail
Cigarette butts and their toxic chemicals will take a quarter of a century to decompose

Smoking causes more air pollution than car exhaust. According to an Italian study, published in 2004 in "Tobacco Control," air pollution particles from smoking three cigarettes was worse than a 2003 diesel engine. The cigarettes produced 10 times the particulate matter of the automobile.

Not only does smoking cigarettes create air pollution, but cigarette butts contaminate the ground and water by releasing the approximately 4,000 chemicals present in cigarettes. And used cigarettes take 25 to 26 years to decompose.
  1. Atmosphere

    Health and Air Pollution

    Carbon Monoxide

    • The American Heart Association states that long-term, low-level exposure to cigarette smoke in the air can raise carbon monoxide levels in your blood, decreasing the oxygen in the bloodstream and increasing the risk of serious respiratory illnesses.


    • The AHA also states the nicotine causes a short-term increase in blood pressure, heart rate and blood flow from the heart. This creates an increased need for oxygen, but when combined with carbon monoxide intake it creates a dangerous situation because there is less oxygen in the bloodstream.
Ada berbagai jenis polusi tanah, masing-masing berasal dari asal yang berbeda. Setiap jenis polusi tanah menyebabkan efek yang berbeda pada tanah dan secara permanen dapat merusak lahan untuk penggunaan masa depan.

Lahan pertanian "STA_0320" adalah Hak Cipta oleh Flickr pengguna: World Resources Institute Staf (Staf WRI) di bawah lisensi Creative Commons Attribution.
Tangki Penyimpanan Bawah Tanah
Tangki penyimpanan bawah tanah dapat pecah dari penjaga keamanan yang tidak tepat selama proyek konstruksi atau pakai sederhana dari waktu. Banyak kali, tangki-tangki ini berisi bahan bakar atau cairan lain yang merusak tanah.
Limpasan dari bidang lahan pertanian dan pertanian menyebabkan polusi tanah yang dapat merusak kehidupan hewan dan tanaman. Selain itu, air hujan bisa mencuci bahan kimia yang digunakan oleh petani ke sumber-sumber air, yang berakhir di tanah jauh dari situs.
Tanah Amandemen
Tanah amandemen, produk sampingan dari industri, dapat digunakan untuk memperkuat nutrisi dalam tanah. Namun, berkali-kali, produk ini berasal dari limbah industri. Bahan seperti abu, kapur dan bio-padatan dapat meninggalkan tanah yang terkontaminasi dalam jangka panjang.

Menurut sebuah artikel tahun 2001 dalam jurnal "Environmental Management," tempat pembuangan sampah mengandung produk yang dapat bocor ke dalam tanah. Sulfat, nitrat, logam berat dan produk-produk alami lainnya mencemari tanah.
Tumpahan Minyak
Sebuah artikel 2009 dalam "Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Lingkungan" alamat perhatian tumpahan minyak pada deposito tanah. Studi ini menemukan bahwa status kesuburan tanah itu sangat dikompromikan setelah tumpahan minyak.

How to test Soil Pollution

Soil pollution is the contamination of soil in a particular region and can be caused by the penetration of pesticides, herbicides, insecticides and other chemicals leached through the soil. These chemicals can contaminate the soil to the point that it becomes unfit for use. Agricultural runoff from animal wastes, industrial waste materials such as arsenic and lead, and leakages from sanitary sewage can also pollute the soil. You can have tests done to determine if your soil is polluted.



Things You'll Need

  • Trowel or spade
  • Stainless steel spoon
  • Permanent marker
  • Resealing plastic bags
  • Bucket
  • Water
  • Brush
  • Liquid soap
  1. Create a Diagram of Area for Testing