
Selasa, 08 November 2011

Fear is one what controls us

Let's talk about fear. What is fear? Fear is a synonym of anxiety. It means feeling that you don't like and you don't feel safe with. So, why did I say that fear is one what controls us? I can say that most people usually avoid pain. I think people and myself just don't like the pain that we ever felt before. And because of that we try to avoid them because we are afraid to feel the same pain again.
Unless, we have overcome our fear and don't feel afraid about them anymore. I ever been told that fear is in our memory. So, there is something that is called as brainwashing bad memories and switch them with good memories. So that when a situation comes near to our old pain, we won't remember the pain anymore but rather the switched memories, the good memories. So we won't be afraid of the certain situations we fear anymore.
Anyways, let's get back to the topic. Everyone must have some certain kinds of fear. Whether it's a phobia or just a fear about something trivial. For example, I give you two types of people in school lifes. One who is usually called a loser and the other one who is a member of a group of bully people, but he's not the leader, well actually he can, it doesn't matter.
The loser type is usually afraid of being harmed and bullied so he continuously let himself being commanded by those bullies to do things, anything! He serve himself to the bullies cause he is afraid.
Now, the one who is a bully type, although he looks like he's the one who rule the school, but actually I find that he will be afraid if he lost his respect from others. So in order not to lose that, he simultaniously bullies other kids. That's simple. Another example is a boss and his employee.
The boss can act nice, or act decisive, maybe a little bit hard to his employee in order to make his employee keeping his work well. Or it can also because he is afraid that if he is not decisive his employee won't respect him, or quite the opposite, he is afraid of losing his talented employee and treat him really nice then. The employee can work really well, because he is afraid of being fired by his boss if he didn't do that, and so on.
There are so many reasons why people behave like this or like that. Another example is about culture. In Indonesia, younger people must give respect to older people by the way they talk, act, and even stare in the elders's eyes. Everything have their own ethics. And you obey those unwritten rules just because you are afraid to be called as a scallywag and it can cause you to be hated by some people who don't like your 'breaking the rules' behaviours. So, because of that you act politely to older people. But it's just an example. Not everyone could possibly think the same way like I said. There are people who really realize that politeness is a big deal because they don't want if they have become old then they are not treated politely too by their next generations. THEY ARE AFRAID of that. It sounds really egoistic but it's a fact that everybody always think about their own goodness. Every action is for their own safety. Maybe parents are a different the fears are "I don't want my kids can't eat nothing tonight", and so on. And that motive is what keep them work everyday. The same way with buddies, families and so on. But one more time, we make friends to make US not alone. Back to the theory that we do all for our own goodness :)
Okay, now let's assume that one doesn't have any fear of nobody and anything. And he just don't care with anyone's opinion. Okay, in that case, my theory above doesn't seem to be relevant to the "everyone" part. But at least, I think some people are. Because I wrote it in the experiences of myself. So it can be considered as a fact doesn't it? :)
One last example is a little bit deep. It's about religion. People have different beliefs. But I realize that every religion always keeps some scary stories and prophecies to make their believers keep their actions in the law of their religion. For example in Islam it is said that you will be sent to hell in the afterlife if your good deeds are less than your bad deeds when you were living in the world. In Buddha there's something that is called as Karma. It's like, if you made some bad deeds now, you have to be prepared to feel the bad deeds you did before. So, because of that you have to do good deeds in order to get good deeds too as your change. But it's different in the opinions of the communist. They don't believe in such freaking prophecy. They live now and then they'll die and *poof* the life's over and you'll turn into soil. That's it. So, why do they have to obey the religion laws? But this is in a religion point of view.
All I want to say is that people have some motives that make them act or behave in some ways, and one of those motives is fear.
I was raised by some people who are a little bit pessimistic and I think it makes me having some negative thoughts about certain things, like if I dont' do this then i'll get that, or if I do that then i'll be treated like this, quite like that. I know I can't keep those thoughts inside of my brain forever. So, to whoever who is in the same situation as I am, I just want to say "don't be afraid to do whatever you want, respect yourself by doing what you want to do, and dont' let any fear controls how you should behave".

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