
Selasa, 21 Juni 2011

We see the world as we are

When I just entered my college, firstly I wanted to change my attitude. I was a childish person who loved to laugh and to make foolish actions just so that my friends could laugh. I was like degrading myself just to be accepted by my friends. Because of my friendship background that wasn't really good. In fact, I was like a literally lonely person, had no friend, almost, at all. I didn't realize how bad my situation was. And it took about 9 months maybe to make me realize that I was literally lonely and unfriended. It was my worst nightmare when I literally woke up.

By the way, I'm not gonna tell y'all about my dark times. I just want to share something new that I just realize. I want to say that WE SEE THE WORLD AS WE ARE. Why? Because how we see others is the same as we see ourselves. For example, we see that everybody are nice people. So, then act nice to them all too. Because we think that they are always nice to us. Why we can't be nice to them too, right? So, automatically, we're gonna be acting nice to them too for our reaction. And as well we act nice to them, they are going to think that we are a nice person. So, the "circle" or we can call it a chain of reaction or KARMA can be explained with that analogy.

But, look at the other side. When we see others arrogantly, for example we see all people are stupid, then we are going to act as if we are talking (when we talk to people) to a more stupid person. Then, we are going to degrade our vocabulary and logics. Because we think "if I do my best chat, he/she wouldn't understand". And so, people who actually are not that stupid are going to think that we are stupid because the way we talked before. Or, if we think that others have low sense of humour, then we are going to think that they are not going to understand our jokes, so we degrade our jokes, and then the process will happen again.

But, if we think that everybody are clever, high motivated, grown up, funny, nice, they will really become or at least they are going to be looked in our eyes like that. Because we are going to treat them as if they are really like that. And then they are going to treat us like that too for exchange.

What Islam has been teaching to their believers are a lot including to "PREJUDICE GOOD". That's why we shouldn't be an arrogant. What does arrogancy means? Prophet Muhammad SAW said, "Arrogancy is not believing at right THING (believing Allah SWT) and underestimating others". It makes sense, by the explanation above, arrogancy just make us being underestimated too, because we underestimate others.

KARMA really happens. And after all, we are here on earth to pray to God, to be a good soul. Follow the right and leaving the bad and believing the stories.

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