
Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

How to Create a Story Map

Whether you are writing a mystery or a science-fiction story, it is essential to know where the story is going. Rushing into a story when you have only a rudimentary idea of where the plot is going will lead to inevitable rewrites and dead ends. A story map will give you a good idea of where your story is going and what you have to do to get there.


  1. The Five W's

    • 1
      Draw five lines on a clean sheet of paper. On each line, write "who," "what," "where" "when" and "why." Leave plenty of space beneath each line so that you can write your notes.
    • 2
      Write down the names of your characters and a very brief description under "who." This will help you keep your main characters in mind.
    • 3
      Write down the main focus of your story under "what." What are your characters dealing with, and what are they fighting for?
    • 4
      Write down your setting under "where." Are you writing a story set in modern London or does it take place in a fantasy city?
    • 5
      Write down the time period that your story belongs in under "when." It might be something as specific as a year or during a time that is a conglomeration of several periods if you are writing a fantasy story. Underneath "when," you can also put down the time of year when your story is going to be happening and how much time passes.
    • 6
      Write down what is driving your characters under "why." Why are they doing the things they do? What do they stand to lose if they do not act in this fashion?

    The How

    • 1
      Fold a new sheet of paper in half.
    • 2
      Divide the right half of the paper into three boxes stacked on top of one another. Label the top box "beginning," the middle box "middle" and the bottom box "end."
    • 3
      Write down how the story starts in the box labeled "beginning." Where are the characters and what are they doing? Write down the event that gets them moving and begins the real action of the book.
    • 4
      Write down the main action of the story in the box labeled "middle." The actions that your characters take and the things that happen to them go in this box.
    • 5
      Write down how the story resolves itself in the box labeled "end." In this box, you will determine how your characters are going to solve the problem with which they are faced.
    • 6
      Make notes about each of these sections on the other side of the sheet of paper. These are things that you would like to incorporate into your story and notes that will help you when you sit down to write.

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