
Sabtu, 07 Januari 2012

How to Create a Battle Map

A battle map can be used to explain a battle from history, to create a background for a story or to play a game. Battle maps are not difficult to create, but it is important to pay close attention to detail. A battle map should contain the geography of the location as well as buildings and possible places of retreat. As much as possible you should include information about the troops on either side of the battle.


    • 1
      Research the area where the battle took place. Look at other maps of the area or walk the area yourself. If you are drawing the map for a book or a game, read the descriptions carefully. If you are making up the land be sure to include various terrains to make the map more interesting.
    • 2
      Create a key for the map with symbols for various items. For example you should have symbols for rivers, roads, fences, trees, hills and boulders. If it is an urban map, you may want to include the height of buildings because it will affect the strategy.
    • 3
      Draw the map on a big piece of butcher paper. Keep everything to scale. This map should be the basic outline of the area with geographical characteristics.
    • 4
      Add in the manmade details such as buildings, fences and other characteristics. This should also include the location of troops for both sides of the battle.
    • 5
      Map out escape routes and weak places to attack the enemy.

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