
Jumat, 30 September 2011

A new University in Dayeuh Kolot

This afternoon I attended a meeting with the Rector of my Institute with BEM, DPM, and also few UKM people. I was waiting long, maybe about 40 minutes. I thought about the culture of 'jam ngaret' in Indonesia (always being late) and got pissed off. I had a class at the same time you know. And I didn't attend it just because I got to attend that meeting. Which in the end just gave me some information about the vision and mission of the new University we will have and build. So, it makes me have two absences now. Two more and I won't be able to follow the final and mid test. I have to be more careful now.
So, the University that i am talking about is Telkom University. Or abbreviated into Untel. Yeah I know how it sounds ;) and it is planned to be inaugurated in 2012. The problem is that the ITT college students don't support it. It makes sense because if we will come together as a Univeristy their accreditation will be gone and we all have to start to build our accreditation again. The fresh graduate will get the impact. It's not cool you know. But the Rector said that the University plan is to make a bigger power for us. He also said that the college students are the one who is important for the University's growth. We have to be pro-active and gain more achievements. Tomorrow morning will be held a big meeting between each Institute. After all, the University plan is just a plan and it won't be implemented if the college students disagree. I don't know...

Minggu, 25 September 2011

The Power of Mind

Yup, the title is a little bit too exaggerating i think :) but it's okay. What I mean as the power of mind is not like I  or you could move a rock with your mind or such. But it's about belief and way of thinking. You could be anything you set your mind to. Just as Eminem ever said. The first time I heard his quote, I thought it was kind of impossible but not really impossible because he has proven it with being a famous rapper. I thought if I could be anything I wanted to be just by imagining it, then I must've become anything I ever want. But it didn't happen. Why? Because there's a hard-working which has to accompany the "set my mind" thing. Eminem said it himself after he said his quote.
"You could be anything you set your mind to". That quote should be really remembered. And also this quote: "you are what you think". So what if I think that I'm the most clever person in my class? Will I really become like that? I don't think so. You know, clever, nice, helpful, gentle, scary, and many other characteristics are just a symbol of word, a symbol of our average attitude. I think there is no thing such as nature. The only thing that's real is the way of thinking.
I realized it just this afternoon. I walked my way back to Bandung from Sukabumi by bus. The driver was a soldier. He talked loudly, acted rough, and was decisive I can tell. I thought, "oh, it's maybe because he joined the army since he was a teenager so his mind was trained to think like that or like he was trained to have such attitude". And then I came to an idea that our mind are built by our environment and by ourselves. I thought he might admire someone, for example his uncle that was a great soldier. Then he became to want to be like his uncle because his mind said that being a soldier is cool and then he wanted to be like that too. He wanted to act and to behave like a soldier. Which have some characteristics such as decisive, strong, and having a never 'give-up' mind set.
Which made me come to think about the typical of a businessman or a motivator. Their typical are hard working, clever, smart for looking oppurtunities, positive thinking, not giving up easily, and so on. Then I thought about the typicals of artists and designers which are creative thinker, innovative, smart at art, likes freedom, and so on.
All of them are typical or in other words stereotypical to me. I had an idea that they who work in some field must have a same way of thinking. But after I thought about it again and thought about it more I realized that not every person have the same way of thinking. There are some entrepreneurs who are not successful, or some employees who are not cool in their work but some of them are really good at it and they gain advancement faster than others.
Then I thought again what differ them one to another. Althought usually people try to work at places they love to, but there are still successful and not successful people in every field of work.
And then I came to the conclusion that what differ them is their way of thinking. Some employee might be depressed by heavy works while some might think some ways to reduce their stress or even try some ways to lighten their work. It's all about choice. You could choose you can not do something while you could also choose you can. Well, if you choose you can, you may be not 100% succeed. But at least it makes you have some spirit to succeed so you have some chance to succeed.
For example, if I want to be a clever person, I don't have to think "yes, indeed I am a clever person", but I rather have to think "how can I make this happen, or what should I do?" and so on. Another example is if I want to be a gentlement to women I don't have to think "I am a gentlement", but I rather have to think "I have to think 'ladies first', I have to be gentle when I talk to them, I have to look into their eyes when I talk to them, I must not hurt them, I may not think dirty things about them" and so on. So, a characteristic, such as successful for example is just a symbol of self recognition. It is abstract and not real. What real are the actions. For example I can imagine that I am a great painter, but in fact I can not paint at all. So, to be a real great painter I have to try to paint and try to make great paintings.
Finally, other people are the one who are trusworthy to judge who we really are in the end.

Kamis, 08 September 2011

08/09/2011 (part II)

Today was just like everyday. An obvious day with the same routine. Pretty boring but it's how life is. I came to campus very early, at 07.00 am !! And......the lecturer was not present. What the heck. But for the exchange we (I and my friends) got another subject at 09.30 am. We really wanted to go home, but the lecturer said we have to study. Plus, the free-day-Friday doesn't seem to be a free day anymore. The free college day change to Wednesday. Whatever...
So, after we finished studying at 11.30 am, we went to my friends' house. Actually they rent it. So, we played a few games there, such as DOTA and Left4Dead. I brought my book, 'MENGENAL TOKOH WAYANG MAHABARATHA' cause I don't want to waste any of my time. I still have goals that I want to achieve. Then, I started to think that I really have great friends since I was kid. All of them were and still are nice to me. In fact, I should be really thankful to Allah for this gift. Accidentally, I am having a problem about the making of a story for the manga competition. So I thought that the theme about friendship could really be something good. And I am thinking that I could use a little bit of my past experiences. I want to put psychological things in the story. I hope I will make it in time.

Rabu, 07 September 2011


Yesterday, specifically in Maghrib time I prayed to Allah. I prayed, "Yaa Allah, I swear to Your name that I will do anything and I will always try eventhough I learn slowly and eventhough I will face errors. But promise me, that You will really grant me my wish to become a comic artist. Ameen..."
That was a huge point in my life. And now, I am studying some mahabaratha book that I bought to understand about 'pewayangan'. Cause I want to submit my upcoming art for shirt about wayang and plus I am studying it probably for my story for the manga competition :) . After I think again, I don't want to put God in a story. It's not polite and maybe causing some dangerous fate later :P.
Before I end this post, I wanna say one last quote from myself:
"I will still struggle to achieve my goal(s) eventhough I don't have any fucking person who support me!"
Yeah, I don't need a support. I am gonna lead myself to be what I want to be. And i want to be a nice person. Plus I have plenty of dreams that I am trying to make a reality. I am not joking. I speak REAL TALK and I do REAL WALK.


07/09/2011 (part II)

Today's fuck as hell. Not because I got bullied or something bad and such. But rather because I just got a mental mentoring in "kuliah umum" this noon. Why??? Because I think I've burried my ideas about success and being famous and such for a long time. But now, just now when I didn't want those things anymore, I must hear a speech or preach from a preacher about how to be a successful person. The thing is, I have walked that way to be success for at least a half year, while I was being hated by people. That is also a pain in the ass. I don't know why but for me, thinking or maybe dreaming to be a successful and famous person lead me to be an arrogant person. I become to see people as tiny stupid people that live just for eat and sleep. But unfortunately it was all just my imagination. Because the fact is, me myself is nothing compared to anyone! So that means that I am just as fuck as them in my imagination. And so the karma went to me. I was hated I think. And I don't think that I am really close to my classmates. Well, a few of them are. But I am still a little bit awkward to a few of the rest. It makes me feel weak. Because of that I think that the safest way is to keep myself to be a modest person.

And the fact is, the more I surpress the emotion or desire to be successful and famous, the more I have no confident and become inferior. I don't know what I should do. If I become a big mouth person, maybe my friends will hate me again. But in other hand I really want them to be successful people one day. I want to make a good atmosphere to compete each other for the sake of goodness. But I guess my intentions were misunderstood. I have told them literally what I want them to do, but I guess they just don't want to follow my suggestions. It's really a pain in the ass because all I have been through was so perfect. My high school friends accepted my thoughts back then. I admit that one of my friend was really influential to the others minds. Maybe it was me that was being "controlled" by him to do what he wanted, and it was being a clown. I never mind that cause it was my dream back then to entertain people. But for that I have to pay something. And it is to spent away my precious time for three years for not train to be a leader. Now I can feel the result. I can't influent people like how I want them to be. So, if there is no benefit for them, they will not obey my instructions. So that means that I have to struggle by myself.

I keep asking myself what the real thing I want is. But there are so many things in my mind when I tried to answer it. They are to become a comic artist, to be a rapper, to be a businessman, to be a famous guy with smart ideas and cool perfomance. When I realized those dreams, I started to ask myself "what the hell is wrong with me?!" And now I am so confused if I have to struggle for those hard things to achieved or just let them go and fly away like a butterfly in front of my face.

And I don't really have many networks. I tried to built it. I followed many schedules and a few committees. I have been a bit responsible for the taewkwondo club for this last year. But they are just not enough and I know it.

I must keep move on, man. Though I dont have ANY FUCKING PERSON WHO SUPPORT ME I will not go down. Fot my only goal,


Selasa, 06 September 2011


Hai, kemarin malam gua ngecek-ngecek dan ngebongkar dikit barang-barang gue. Emang ada yang pengen gue cari sih. Yaitu, ........ UANG TAEKWONDO KAMPUS!!! Ilang boy.... bingung gue.. tapi semalem gue tetap tenang.. Gue berharap ada sama Mas Lanang, karena kemarin-kemarin dia ada nanyain apa gue kehilangan duit atau ga.. Gue jawab aja ngga. Gue kan baru tau kalau gue kehilangan tadi malam. Semoga duitnya ada sama dia.

Indonesia-Bahrain World Cup 2014 Qualification

Kecewa saya dengan pertandingan Indonesia-Bahrain tadi. Bukan karena kalah, tapi lebih tepatnya pada penontonnya. Kampungan banget dah. Gitu tuh kalo kurang pendidikan. Ujung-ujung nya emang iya, gue emang nyalahin pemerintah. Pemerintah ga bisa bikin sekolah yang becus. Mental dan moril nya sama aja kayak orang Malaysia. Sama-sama suka bikin anarki di lapangan hijau.
Orang Bahrain tadi, ga tau mungkin itu manajernya atau apanya, tegas banget ngambil sikap. Bagus itu menurut gue. Abis, kalau ga gitu kan pemainnya bisa cedera kalau kena petasan yang dilemparkan penonton ke lapangan. Mereka itu supporter atau supporter sekaligus ngerangkap jadi orang-orang anarkis? Buat apa ngelempar petasan ke lapangan...
Kekecewaan gue yang kedua adalah buat pemain-pemain kita tadi. Gue kecewa karena mereka seperti bermain dengan kurang berstrategi. Gue ngeliat pelatih timnas kita sudah teriak sesuatu ke mereka. Mungkin ngasih arahan. Tapi kayaknya pemainnya ga mampu untuk ngikutin itu instruksi. Boaz juga terkadang egois. Lalu Ridwan mengecewakan. Sewaktu diberi kesempatan untuk membawa bola, dia malah payah. Dan masalah ibarat kartu domino, lanjut ke situasi dimana sepertinya pemain-pemain lainnya menjadi malas untuk mengoper bola kepadanya walaupun dia sedang kosong. Payah. Profesionalitasnya kurang. Mereka seperti tidak percaya pada teman se-tim sendiri. Seharusnya tidak boleh begitu.
Ya sudah lah, mau diapain lagi... Tinggal berharap dan berusaha agar di pertandingan-pertandingan berikutnya bisa menang. Amin...


Well, hari ini adalah hari kedua gua kuliah lagi (semester 5). Semester ini gua harap nilai gua ningkat lagi. Alhamdulillah setelah gua SP akhirnya IPK gua 3.1 . Gua sudah pindah ke griya, dan gua harap kepindahan ini bisa meningkatkan semangat belajar gua. Selain itu gua harap gua bisa ngelakuin banyak hal dan banyak pengalaman. Dalam artian gua lebih banyak action nya pada tahun ini daripada omdo..
Ngomong-ngomong soal action, gua lagi pengen ngikutin lomba desain kaos bertema wayang nih. donlot formulir & Lomba nya <--- disini :). Intinya yaitu kita mengembangkan kesadaran dan kecintaan pada wayang untuk audience mulai dari umur 18-40 tahun.

Wayang kan budaya yang unik dan endemik. Hanya ada di Indonesia dan India. Tapi wayang sudah sangat mendarah daging. Gua ingat dulu om gua pernah cerita bahwa waktu beliau masih kecil dulu beliau sering nonton acara pertunjukan wayang. Kalau zaman sekarang hal seperti itu sudah jarang ada. Jujur gua dulu juga sempat berfikit kalau wayang dan ceritanya itu membosankaaan sekali. Tapi, ternyata tidak begitu. Gua mikir kalau aja Indonesia bisa bikin film kayak transformer tapi dengan tema wayang. COntoh seperti Jepang, mereka tetap tradisionil tapi mengikuti zaman juga. Jadi hal-hal tradisional tersebut ga membosankan.

Dan sekarang gua mau ngebikin desain dulu, soalnya batas waktu pengiriman adalah 30 September. lagian gua juga ada lomba komik yang mau gua ikutin, biarpun batas terakhirnya akhir Oktober. Okaaay semangkaaa